teehee... just won a bid on ebay a few seconds ago..this is definitely the most pricey and valuable item we have ever bought online..the last few minutes of the auction was pretty intense..tapi emang kalo jodoh itu nggak kemana..=))
Weekend was fun, consist of good food..good people..good talk and good laugh. Went to have dinner at stir crazy on friday night. I'm officially addicted to it's famous banana wonton desserts, it's a fried wonton wrapper filled with banana and white chocolate, with cinnamon sugar, caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream on top of it...it's good for the souL. Sabtu nya pagi2 ke optik and then have brunch at a dannish pastries nearby..dan sorenya ke pengajian at deb's, it was the last time to be held in her house cause she's leaving for good end of this month..and since it was the last time....of course the food was special...*nyam2*....abis itu mampir ke rumah om bentar..ngobrol ngobrol. Minggunya bangun pagi..*hey 10 o'clock is considered early for sunday right?*....mandi2 dan langsung ke LULU for dimsum session...all 18 of us..rame banget deh..dan kita kalap gitu mesennya..hehe...abis itu strolling down delmar boulevard dan beli babelti. Trusnya ended up at Babies R us and got my baby a car seat...=))..The weather was unbelievably nice last weekend, around 50s...unlike the previous weekend where we were hit with snow. I can live in a weather like this forever...hari ini juga masih enak banget weathernya..i didn't even wear my jacket at all..too bad i had to work and deal with my bitchy manager instead of enjoying the weather outside....Oh by the way..they just upgraded the networking system at work, now we can share documents with other computers..making working in a team a lot easier..
Minggunya bangun pagi..*hey 10 o’clock is considered early for sunday right?*….mandi2 dan langsung ke LULU for dimsum session…all 18 of us..rame banget deh..dan kita kalap gitu mesennya..hehe…abis itu strolling down delmar boulevard dan beli babelti. Trusnya ended up at Babies R us and got my baby a car seat…=))..The weather was unbelievably nice last weekend, around 50s…unlike the previous weekend where we were hit with snow. I can live in a weather like this forever…hari ini juga masih enak banget weathernya..i didn’t even wear my jacket at all..too bad i had to work and deal with my bitchy manager instead of enjoying the weather outside….Oh by the way..they just upgraded the networking system at work, now we can share documents with other computers..making working in a team a lot easier..
There's nothing like a baby boy
to change the way you see things..
to make the world a
better, brighter place.
There's nothing like ten tiny toes,
bright eyes and little ears
or the sweet expressions
on his little face..
There's nothing like the pride
and joy of holding in your arms
the miracle of life,
so fresh and new.
There's nothing that compares
to the love that you will know
and the happiness
that's wished for each of you..
-taken from one of the cards that we received from the baby shower..
Dendre got a surprise baby shower at his office this morning...so he'll bring lots of gifts home today for the baby...hehee..how sweet of them...=)
My school is over this semester, so that's a good thing at least i can take one thing off of my mind...still don't know if i'm going to take classes in the spring or not, if the baby is born before the semester starts then i will go to school but if not then i will take one session off. Work is kinda crazy as end of the year is approaching but we handle everything OK i guess...and i just need to decide when i'm going to take my maternity leave..probably january the 6th or somewhere around that time as long as i have finished everything that is supposed to be finished before i leave..i just don't wanna leave a mess behind. Not sure when i'll be coming back to work..probably a month after, or maybe 2 months after the baby's arrived..or probably never?..huehe..we'll see...but at least we have a day care here at the office, so it shouldn't be that bad..
America's Most Dangerous Cities (2002)
(Based on murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft)
1. St. Louis, Missouri
2. Detroit, Michigan
3. Atlanta, Georgia
4. Gary, Indiana
5. Baltimore, Maryland
America's Safest Cities (2002)
1. Amherst, New York (Diaaan..ini coba di confirm yaa?..hehe..)
2. Brick Township, New Jersey
3. Newton, Massachusets
4. Thousand Oaks, California
5. Sunnyvale, California
- I am thankful to be pregnant and still be pregnant..and that as far as I know my baby is healthy and growing right on track, this pregnancy has humbled me in more ways than anyone would think of
- I am thankful for my family who I'm extremely close with, for my wonderful hubby *ehm*..the way God brought us together is a miracle..
- I am thankful for the wonderful friends and everybody who's presence in my life makes it a joy
- Hmm..the list can go on and on down to the very little things *such as thankful that stretchmark is still nowhere in sight, etc etc*, i realized i have a lot to be thankful for..and i'm thankful for that fact..but now i. really. have. to. go.....tadaaa...
Just noticed that i have a full schedule this week...today was just like another monday..work and there were a lot of stuff that had to be done, mainly the database that consist of the people who are going to receive the fitrana money. If the Ied is tomorrow (which is most likely to be tomorrow) then i will pray in the morning at the St. Louis Community College, Forest Park..and then go pick up dendre at work around noon so he can come with me to my dr's appointment at 1.30, after that..dentist appointment is waiting at 3.15 for him..and then i will go straight to class from there all the way until 9. I have to work on wednesday..and go to carbondale right away after work for the basketball game, it's a 2 hours drive from here..so we probably will come back around mid-nite or so. And on thursday..we all gonna go to Springfield (about 1.5 hours away) for Ied open house..and then i have to work the next day...isn't that great that i still have to work on friday during the thanksgiving break?!?!..other people wake up early on that day to snatch some good thanksgiving sale deals at the mall but not me.. i will wake up early to go to work instead..hmm..something is definitely wrong here..*sigh*....but i'll try to take off early so we can go visit this new mall/outlet that just opened 2 weeks ago.
..lebaran sebentaaar lagiii *nyanyi lagu bimbo*..hihi..enak banget sih yang pada mudik untuk berlebaran sama keluarga nya...gue nggak pernah tuuh ngalamin gimana hebohnya bermudik ria itu..maklum lah nggak punya kampung sih...*betawi asli niihh*...jadi lebaran ya di jakarta jakarta aja...dan yang paling enak kalo lagi lebaran itu..jakarta sepiiii..jalanan lancar selancar lancarnya.pokonya tenang banget deh. Anyway buat yang mudik...hati hati di jalan yaahh..dan buat semuanya Happy Idul Fitri..mohon maaf lahir dan batin..=)
The people here believed that last friday night was THE night, the night of power..the night of honour and dignity. The Masjid opened all night long ..it was soo crowded..good thing we were all prepared for that..udah sewa valet service segala, hire some cops..and we even rented a shuttle to transport people from the park to the Masjid because a lot of people parked their cars in the park across the street since we wouldn't have enough space at our own parking lot. and we had a fundraising dinner before the taraweh, the committee was expecting to raise about $30000 that night...and guess what..they raised about half a million..wayyy beyond their wildest dreams....hats off to them....
I didn't do anything special this weekend..just sitting around being lazy at home. Finished off The Red Diary by Moammar Emka and pleasee...do yourself a favor and use that Rp25000 for something useful rather than buying this nggak penting book. Beneran deh bukunya nggak penting banget. Gue bacanya juga kebanyakan di skip soalnya banyak banget puisi puisi nggak jelas dan percakapan2 sms yang begitu begitu aja. Pokonya nggak jelas deh..nggak ada naik turunnya *aduh mo ngomong apa sih han??*..pokonya baca buku itu datar aja nggak membikin kita carried away with the story gitu. But i still managed to finish the book though..cause that's me..somehow i was taught since I was a kid to finish everything that i've started *berani memulai berani mengakhiri..lhoo apa sih kok jadi dangdut gini*...jadi kalo ngerjain apa2 ya harus di selesain..jangan setengah setengah. I also finished off Akar by Dewi Lestari over the weekend, in one go...I like her first book better than this one..i'm not saying this one is bad...bagus siih..tapi kurang bisa relate aja sama tokoh nya si Bodhi itu...dan juga agak2 nggak ngerti dengan hubungan spesial yang dia punya dengan Kell (or is it kerl?) sesama backpacker yang ketemu di Thailand. Trus gaya cerita nya si Dee di buku ini enggak menggunakan tanda petik (") untuk menandakan suatu percakapan..jadinya sempet bingung juga pertama nya.
Now i'm reading Biru by Fira Basuki..i have a feeling i'm gonna like it..i always like her book..simply because the storyline always about everyday life dengan karakter yang banyak di temukan di sekitar kita..so it's easier for me to visualize it...bahasa yang di pake juga bahasa sehari hari yang nggak jelimet. So i guess i'm off to read her book now......later!
for some reason i couldn't get back to sleep after sahur this morning..i guess part of it was because of the tea i had and also because of the acrobatic moves my baby always seems to perform whenever I'm about to sleep. So i've been awake since 4 in the morning...i was a bit sleepy when the clock hit 6 o'clock but then my alarm went off not long after that..*sigh*..time to get up and smell the monday morning weather!!!..I don't know how i'm going to function today..i guess i'll just be cranky all day long....*beware people*..teeheee....
On a happier note though...new gallery is installed *YAY*...thanks to my mastah, Thomas yang udah sabar banget ngajarin dan bantuin ngutak ngatik. I love this new gallery system..making uploading and managing images a lot easier.....
Aaahh akhirnya sampe rumah juga, home sweet home. Work was hectic today..as usual but it was more bearable to me cause i had the whole office all by myself since my manager was not around, today is her day off..that's why i always love wednesday especially since we're not in a good term nowadays. I am not speaking with her..biarin aja, abis jadi orang nyebelin banget sih.
Waktu gue pertama dateng buat submit resume gue juga udah bingung ngeliat orang itu....kok jutek amat??..tapi setelah kerja bareng sebenernya sih dia baik baik aja, cuma emang suka jelek adatnya gitu, tapi gue sih cuek aja..abis emang dia orangnya begitu..mau di apain lagi. Tapi nggak ngerti kenapa nih dua minggu belakangan ini dia jadi moody banget, emang sih kerjaan lagi banyak banyaknya tapi ya nggak usah bagi bagi stress gitu dong. Nah yang bikin gue kesel nih, minggu lalu tau tau dia bilang sama gue kalo gue nggak boleh nerima telfon di cell phone lagi during office hours. Padahal, gue kalo nerima telfon paling dari dendre aja..emang sih bisa 3-4 kali sehari..but that's not even last one minute...cuma nanya lagi ngapain atau nanya entar mo di jemput di mana bla bla bla atau nanya sesuatu yang emang perlu di tanyain pas saat itu. Ya namanya juga hidup berumah tangga *ceilee* ada aja lah urusannya, nanya bill ini itu, atau insurance kek atau nomer credit card atau urusan tetek bengek lagi lainnya. Pokonya nggak pernah ngobrol ngobrol di telfon lah, paling kalo nanya juga cuma beberapa detik and that's it! dan gue kalo lagi nerima telfon yya sambil nerusin kerjanya juga, jadi nggak ganggu sama sekali, and i use my own phone..bukan telfon kantor..kalo telfon kantor kan masih make sense lah nggak boleh. Makanya gue nyolot banget pas dia bilang gitu. Dia tuh disini tinggal sendiri, bener2 single fighter...all of her families are in Thailand, trus dia juga yang nggak ada temennya disini, she's in her mid thirties, belum kawin dan nggak punya pacar. Ya nggak heran sih nggak punya cowo...orang juga males lah liat mukanya yang sepet melulu..*jahat*. Makanya dia kayanya nggak ngerti how it's like being in my shoes.
Ya udah sejak itu gue jadi sebel aja, udah gitu dia yang bilang.."i really need you to speed up your work" padahal kemaren kemaren dia yang sering bingung kok gue ngerjain apa apa cepet banget and i do think that i am very productive at work dan terakhir2 juga nggak yang slacking off gitu, kok dia bisa bisanya ngomong gitu??. Tadi ada lagi kejadian yang nyebelin, kan yang punya kunci ruangan cuma gue, dia, the school principal and executive committee, but she took my key last month and gave it to the election committee, karena mereka tiap malem harus nge check ballot yang berdatengan sampe bulan depan when the election is over. Biasanya kalo dia lagi off, gue pinjem kuncinya si kepala sekolah ini..tapi tadi dia ada meeting di luar, jadi kuncinya di bawa. I called her *my manager* a couple of times but she didn't pick up the phone....nyebelin deh, gue udah minta bikinin kunci duplikat dari kemaren kemaren nggak di bikinin..tanggung katanya bulan depan juga kuncinya bakalan di balikin. Akhirnya gue terpaksa telfon executive committe nya dan minta tolong salah satu dari mereka untuk dateng dan bukain...kan nggak enak ganggu ganggu orang, and this is not the first time it happened to me, sebulan yang lalu juga pernah. I was stuck for an hour outside this morning..aturan udah bisa nyelesain banyak task..jadi keteteran deh, dan lagi kan banyak telfon masuk..orang kan jadi bakalan mikir kalo gue nggak masuk hari itu..atau males ngangkat telfon...=(
Hihi..ini gue lagi bulan puasa malah ngomongin orang...biarin deh gue nggak puasa ini...hihi. Abisan bener bener lagi gondok banget sih and i just have to let it out of my system. Waktu hari senen kemaren di kantor juga enak..soalnya dia nggak ada...sakit, waktu nelfon suaranya udah kaya orang mo mati gitu..dia nih kerjaannya sakiiitt mlulu..mungkin karena hatinya nggak bahagia kali yaa *apa sih?*..jadi dikit dikit sakit. Dia udah kerja di sini 6 taun..sebenernya banyak yang sebel sama dia..tapi karena dia bener2 satu satunya yang nge handle foundation ini, yang tau segala urusannya dari a sampe z...jadi orang juga nggak bisa apa apa, cause we need her. Tapi banyak juga yang ngedukung dia sih...soalnya kerjaannya emang bagus, perfectionist, reliable and very well organized. Cuma aja she's not a people person..jadi orang di BT in terus sama dia.
Oh well..ya udah lah biarin aja..let see sampe kapan gue mo ngomong lagi ama dia..hehe..
Wallet – a worn out Jones New York wallet that i've owned for a couple of years now..it's bulky, has a lot of card slots, a picture slot, coins compartment, etc. I've been wanting to replace it but haven't found the one that i like
Hairbrush – I don't know..but it's black with rubber pad and nylon pins...I don't really brush my hair that much except right after I washed it, somehow it looks more manageable untouched...
Toothbrush – a blue oral B crossaction vitalizer
Pillow cover – greenish-grey, i got it from ikea
Blanket – the same set with the pillow cover with some beige lines
Coffee cup – don't have a fave one, i'll grab the first cup/mug that i spotted
Sunglasses - a big square frame with dark brown lenses
Underwear – boy short or low rider
Shoes – no high heels until January
Favorite top – my plain tiny tees
Cologne/Perfume – I have a lot..but my signature scent is W eau de parfum from Banana Republic
CD in stereo right now – Coldplay, Padi, Limp Bizkit, Danniel Benningfield.
Piercing – just ears (nose has closed up but thinking of getting it repierced!)
What you are wearing now – a dark blue athletic pants with drawstring and a grey tiny tee
Hair - shoulder length
Makeup – None currently...i've removed them all and put on some night serum
In my mouth – nothing..midnite snacking is not a choice for me..my allowance is 4 pounds a month!!
In my head – the list of baby stuff we need to buy that I just created
Wishing – for the weekend to go by very sloooowwwwlllyyyy and for the baby to shift position so he doesn't use my bladder as a trampoline...
After this – heading to bed
The last thing you ate – spicy home made fried rice and tempe goreng tepung for dinner
Something that you are deathly afraid of - losing the people i love..=(
Do you like candles – yes yes..they are everywhere in my apt.
Do you like the taste of blood - hey what do you think i am..a dracula??
Do you believe in love – yes
Do you believe in soul mates – uh huh...
Can you eat with chopsticks – yes..but not really good at it though...
Errggh...the manager is ngeBT-in total hari ini...i know it's monday..but r.e.l.a.x..i hate moody people and i hate them even more when they start being annoying and creating bad vibes..as if it is our fault they are in one of their mood swings....
Sebenernya trick or treat itu kapan sih? Semalem atau nanti malem??..soalnya semalem ada yang ngetok pintu apt2 gue dua kali…tapi nggak kita buka sih..soalnya kalo ternyata anak2 kecil pada minta permen kan kasian..kita nggak punya permen..cause we thought the trick or treat is tonight..and since we’re not gonna be home anyway..jadinya ya nggak perlu nyiapin permen. Halloween taun ini rada beda dari taun2 sebelumnya….why?..cause it’s freaking hot in here..biasanya kan kalo Halloween udah dingin dan udah pake baju tebel tebel..tapi sekarang?..i even turned the air conditioner on in my car this morning…seharian ini bakalan panas banget deh, orang2 aja tadi lari pagi pake tank top and shorts…bagus lah kalo panas lagi cause that means I don’t have to worry about buying new *and BIG/maternity* winter clothes just yet..
Just received my grades yesterday....i got an A for the business law..woohooo….but I got a freaking B plus on the class that I was so sure I would get an A..well I got As for both of the exams and I did really good on the final project, makanya nyebelin banget deh kok bisa dapet B, I emailed my prof right away to make an appointment with her and she seemed so out of reach and suggested me to come by her office sometimes next week?..i don’t want to see her next week I want to see her now..So I went to her office yesterday but her secretary told me to make an appointment first bla bla bla padahal she’s there in her office and only a few steps away from me..and all I asked is for her to spare her few minutes..so her secretary went back and forth delivering message from me and her..and I insisted that I wanted to see her right then and there..hehe..i can be so annoying when my mind is set on something, so she finally gave up and let me in. So I asked her about my final project..she said I did really good and the only thing that hurt my grade was my poor attendance…WTF??!..she must’ve mistaken me with somebody else…cause I’ve only missed 1 class session out of the 8 class sessions..and there’s no freaking way one absence could downgrade my grade to one level...when I asked her if I could see her attendance record she said she didn’t have it handy with her and said she’ll look over it again tomorrow and change my grade to A if she’s been miscalculating it or something. So we’ll see next week..if she doesn’t change my grade..i’ll definitely report this to the dean!!..what is she thinking messing up with my GPA……
So I wasn’t a happy champers yesterday morning..but was back to my happy mood after spending some quality time at Sephora..hehe…got out the store with Laura Mercier Lip Gloss, Nars Blush, Sephora Lipstick and MAC Holidazzle Eye Pallettes..woohoo…it’s another proof that retail therapy is indeed the best therapy out there..!!..:P
I just ordered a bunch of picture for prints from 3 different online digital photo printing last week. Photoworks.com rocks..I placed the order on monday and it's arrived in my doorstep on wednesday, using their regular shipping method, and my first 24 prints were free...!!. I also ordered from Adorama.com, the quality is the same, they are as good..but in Adorama we can choose either Matte paper or Glossy paper and we can request the white border in each prints if we want, but it took them a week to delivery my order. Ofoto.com is dissapointing...it took the 10 days and the quality is not as good as the first 2 places. the price is the same for the three places, 29 Cents each and it's the cheapest i can find...
Anyway...I’ll be leaving to Chicago tonight after work….have a fabulous weekend peeps…and
Hmm apa yah? Kayanya gara2 puasa kok jadi maleess banget nge blog?..padahal sih puasa juga enggak..hihi..hey i did try to fast on the first day, but finally gave up around noon when i started to get dizzy and felt like i had no energy left..I haven't had a chance to try again after that..i'd probably fast during the weekend when i could just stay at home and sit around, lagian sekarang2 ini i don't feel like in my healthiest..soalnya cuacanya lagi nggak jelas..kadang dingin banget, trus tau tau panas lagi..dan anginnya kenceng banget..bikin sakit deh, apalagi kalo pake heater somehow it makes my throat feels yucky...gotta get a humidifier nih, trus matanya juga rasanya nggak enak...kaya pegel2 gitu, idungnya juga agak2 mampet gini..huhu..i just popped a vitamin c..hopefully will get better tomorrow, kalo enggak wahh nggak enak banget..we're going to chicago for the weekend..surely don't want to have a bad trip up north.
Kalo lagi kerja, biarpun nggak puasa juga rasanya tetep aja kaya puasa...well what do you expect..my office is located inside a mosque where everybody fasts..jadi nggak bisa makan seenaknya, minum aja susah..harus celingak celinguk dulu to make sure nggak ada yang liat. Jadi sebelom berangkat harus makan dulu sekenyang kenyangnya....abisnya males kalo keluar lagi buat makan.
Anyway...the NBA season has started..and i'm now back on my comfy couch watching ESPN, and this is actually the only time where i could sit for hours in front of my television. I'm not a big TV person, it's on only for the sake of company..paling nge check news aja atau kalo ada acara2 bagus di discovery channel or something. i've never watch the TV shows like Buffy the vampire, Smallville, Dawson Creek, The Bachelor, Will & Grace, Survivor...etc..I sometimes watch Friends and Sex and the city, but not religiously..and that's about it. Makanya kalo udah basketball season seneng banget...akhirnya TV gue kepake juga, hehe. Selain nggak begitu sering nonton TV..i'm also behind when it comes to movie...seneng sih seneng nonton film..tapi sewa dvd aja nonton di rumah, i don't remember when was the last time i went to the cinema...so now you know you ask the wrong person if you ask me who won the oscar last year..hihi..but i could tell you this year NBA draft list..or who made it to final four last season..:P. Oh well...I guess that's why i've never drools on any male celebrities....you will never hear me talking about how hot brad pitt is or how sexy colin farrell is, i can guarantee you that..heehee *with an expection for JERRY YAN tapi yaaa*....:D. I know i'm weird like that sometimes...! Udah ah..enough babbling, LeBron James is on TV..buhbyee...
According to ISNA, there were no moon sighting in North America last night, therefore puasanya baru mulai hari senin besok. I, myself don't know if i would be able to fast during this ramadhan...-well i am afterall 7 months pregnant and permitted not to fast-, but i'll try anyway..if the baby can cooperate with me, i'll fast tapi kalo enggak ya enggak.
So Have a very happy ramadhan everyone..=))
I’m not worry about my telecommunication foundation & management class, I think the A is in my hand..*amin amin amiiinn*..tapi kalo yang business law ini yang agak agak nggak jelas, well first of all I don’t like the class, it is interesting sometimes reading those cases but still I don’t see the point of taking that class..*it’s a core curriculum that’s why I have to take it*, when you’re taking a master’s degree, you just wanna go straight to the point and learn and deal with stuff that are related to your major, it does give you a little benefit to have knowledge on the business law areas though but I don’t think it’s necessary, I just don’t see me dealing with those kinds of stuff in the work environment. Kalo soal ethic2 an sih kayanya if you have a good common sense then you won’t have any problem. Gurunya pikir gue peduli kali Robinson Patman Act isinya tentang apa….. Jadi ya gitu lah, I didn’t take this class seriously at the beginning, but I did put a lot of effort when it was time to do the project but unfortunately….temen se group gue ini nggak bisa di andelin banget. Harusnya kan satu group itu 3 orang, tapi kalo gue Cuma berdua..soalnya yang laen udah 3 – 3 semua..see..this is why you should come at the first class session of the semester, cause that’s when they formed the group. I didn’t come the first day, jadi pas dateng ke session kedua..tinggal satu orang aja yang belom punya group and that left me with no choice. Pertama nya gue happy2 aja se group sama dia..orangnya baik banget, she always come to class after work..with her work suit and everything..jadinya keliatannya professional gitu lah. Tapi seminggu sebelom project nya due gue mulai2 curiga kalo ni orang agak2 nggak beres..ehh bener aja..when the presentation came, kan gue duluan..abis itu dia..she was so unprepared..kerjanya bolak balik kertas melulu..nyari2 note nya dia, udah gitu she didn’t even present the case clearly..and she skipped a whole section..nggak ngerti kenapa tuh tau tau di skip gitu sama dia..i guess she didn’t know what to talk about that section..gila yaaah… Not that I say mine was a masterpiece..it wasn’t perfect or anything, but people could see that I put a lot of effort into it and I know what I’m talking about..Erghh.. this is what I hate about group projects, I hate the idea of letting people take parts of my grade..not that I think I would have done a hell of a better job if it’s done all by myself, but I do care about my grades and I don’t know if others care about theirs as much as I care about mine. Makanya nyebelin banget deh, kayanya dia tau kalo gue agak2 BT, abis itu dia yang ngasih2 alesan kalo her sister just delivered her baby in the morning so she’s been awake all night waiting for her at the hospital.b.la blab la. Ah ya sudah lah….we’ll see how it turns out…
Work has been a breeze..i don’t have that many workload..malahan waktu hari selasa kemaren I didn’t know what to do at work, jadinya malah bisa belajar deh. We have a gourmet bazaar this Sunday, but we have a special committee for that..makanya gue jadi nggak sibuk..Cuma Bantu bantuin dikit aja.
Sebenernya…I didn’t fill my last two weeks with study and study only siih..hihi I managed to squeeze in sometimes to take dendre’s mom and sista around..yang ada emang kebanyakan jalan2nya sih..huehe. More jalan2 to come I guess now that I’m free of school work..and I finally can read those books and magazines she brought for me..YAY…ada Akarnya Supernova, ada Biru nya Fira Basuki, ada Perjalanan Spiritual Selebriti, seratus tokoh, ada Jakarta Undervocer..dll…trus banyak majalah2 juga, dari mulai SWA, A+, Kosmo, dewi, female, male emporium..etc. etc…bisa nonton VCD Andai Ia Tau....life is indeed good once again....=)).
Selain itu juga di bawain baju2 bayi banyak…newborn basic lah yang disini cuma sedikit aja macemnya. Trus juga di bawain kaya gurita, minyak telon *bau khas bayi Indonesia*, pajamas. Trus juga di bawain bantal dan guling bayi beserta bed cover untuk cribnya..wahhh lucu banget deh...disini soalnya nggak ada bantal dan guling bayi, bener2 nggak ada..jadi bayi2 disini ya pada nggak di kasih bantal, makanya gue minta bawain. Trus palingan di bawain blanket2 gitu, dan baju2 bayi yang lucu2 lainnya..hehe..my baby is gonna by STYLIN!. Sekarang udah hampir 27 weeks..meaning bulan depan udah 7 bulan..wahh nggak terasa yaa..it feels like yesterday when I discovered that that line on the magic stick turned blue…kayanya bentar lagi gue bakalan semakin membesar... I think he’s developing Ok inside *I hope he is*, especially now that I’ve been very well fed since his mom is here..hehe. Dia juga tambah sering bergerak..there are times when I feel he is doing a cartwheel inside..but apparently he also has his lazy days…that’s when I couldn’t feel his moves all day long...and sadly, up until now, the baby is still remain nameless…huuhu..poor little baby..it’s hard to find boy’s names..i have a long list of girls names that I like..but I only have 2 list of boys names. Makanya waktu belum tau ce/co nya itu gue pernah bilang ke babynya while rubbing my belly..”little baby…if you’re a girl..you’ll have a name, but if you’re a boy..you may name yourself”..huihihi…whatta great mom banget nggak sih gue...
Ya sudah lah….i’ll update some more later……….
looks like i won't be blogging much for the next two weeks. final week is approaching, i have one project, one presentation and 2 final exam coming up..and there are a lot of other things going on...I need to get my act all together to deliver a top notch work at the end. so until then...take care everyone..=)
note: cold-static.com will still be updated on a daily basis though..so go point your mouse over there...
Wife: "Sayang, nanti jangan telat yah jemput aku di kantor"
Hub: " Iyah"
Wife: "Beneran lho..jam 6 kurang harus udah nyampe"
Hub: "he eh he eh"
Wife: "Pokonya kalo kamu nyampenya jam 6 tepat aja, berarti kamu telat"
..and the wife passed away at 5:55 PM..
He did come way earlier than that and got a chance to see her for the last time when she, out of the blue had trouble with breathing and passed away on the way to the hospital. This couple is a newly wed, they just got married 2/3 months ago, so they are still in the honeymoon period ...I didn't come to their wedding cause i was here. But they did come to my wedding and were one of the first people in line to congratulate me ...and the husband told me that their wedding was going to be at the same venue as mine. And you know what, before they went to work in the morning on that day, the wife found out that she's pregnant..they were so ecstatic and blissfully in love. Who would've guessed that at the end of the day, it's time for her to take off..and that they will never see each other again in this world..
Buat koko, tabah ya ko, may God gives you all the strength and patience to endure all the pain and sorrow...and may she rest in peace..
Moral of the story: Always try your best to fulfill your loved ones' request...it might be their last..and your last chance to make them happy...you'll never know.
But i'm not going to put up the link in here...just shoot me an email *princessazalia@yahoo.com* and i'll be more than happy to let you know the URL. I just like the idea of knowing who's going to visit that blog because i don't feel comfortable having some strangers who don't even bother to say HI to visit quite a personal space of mine...let alone staring at the pictures of my ever expanding belly bare...teehee...

The area with the number one sign is the head part..you could see the nose looks like a lil button, the lips and the chubby cheek and also the left ear.
Number two is the fingers in the right hand..the nurse said there are all five of them..so that's good..
Number three is the tummy..it's about the same size as the head this time around..
There are the legs also but you couldn't see them clearly in there..
..and that..my friend..is my LIL BOY....=))..5 and a half months..

This has been a pretty uneventful pregnancy..i've only tossed my cookies out once...everything has been smooth....and i'm in clouds nine...i've gained 12 pounds..and i'm now down to 2 pants..but that's OK..this is the first time in my life that i actually want to be huge. hopefully everything will stay smooth until this little bundle *rubbing my belly* is finally arrive - estimated date of delivery january 17 2004-...*amin*
a woman's joy begins when new life is stirring inside,
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time,
and a flutter of kicks reminds her that she is never alone...=)
"Where did I come from?" the baby asked its mother.
She answered, half-crying, half-laughing, and clasping the baby to her breast:
"You were hidden in my heart as its desire, my darling. You were in the dolls of all my childhood games. In all my hopes and my loves, in my life, in the life of my mother, and in her mother before her, you have lived."
-Rabindranath Tagore
At first I hated it…but then I fell in love with it..and now I miss it like crazy..huhu. I lived there for one and a half year, not that long…but surely long enough to make me feel like home in the city of “no worries”..
Kangen deh jalan jalan di city-nya, strolling around King Street, Hay Street, Murray Street, Plaza Arcade, London Court, etc. Kangen my fave shoe store, Mollinis and other boutiques such as LIVE, Tutti Frutti, Atelier, etc. I miss playing at the beach..when I first got there..I lived with an Australian family in Cottesloe area, and the house was just one block away from the beach..i used to take a stroll along the beach everyday. Trus waktu udah tinggal di apt sendiri..sempet tinggal di south Perth area, it was located by the Swan River, which is connected to the Indian Ocean and overlooking the city, it was a beautiful view from the balcony. Kalo siang rame banget di rivernya..ada yang rollerblading or biking along the river, ada yang BBQ-an or playing Frisbee, dan kebanyakan yah doing all kinds of water sports dari mulai boating, sailing, water skiing, wind surfing, rowing, parasailing, jet skiing…etc…some would just take the ferry and cruising around….Now I’m stranded in this flat land of Midwest area…
Di Perth dulu banyak banget orang Indonesia….saking banyaknya..jadi kurang lebih rasanya kaya di Indonesia juga.. ….I don’t remember missing Jakarta while I was there…bayangin aja, at the apt building that I lived, tiap lantai ada orang Indonesia nya..dan setiap lantai ada beberapa unit yang isinya orang Indonesia. The unit right above mine was actually occupied by my high school friends….dari angkatan gue aja yang ke Perth ada 15 orang....banyak banget kan?..kalo lagi ada perlu tinggal teriak aja dari balkonnya. Pergi kemana mana ketemu nya orang orang Indonesia juga, makanannya ya makan makanan Indonesia juga setiap hari karena restoran Indonesia banyak banget, dari yang fast food sampe fine dining. Some of the places that I still remember are Rasa Café, Sparrow (murah meriah), Matahari, Indonesia Indah, Kartika Restaurant, Rumah makan padang di leederville, etc. ..and that was actually one of the reasons why I ballooned up since the day I set my foot in that city…successfully gained 18 kilos in one and a half year…(if you are looking at the picture..don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!...haha) but I’ve shed all of the unnecessary weight the following year though..…..:P
I also miss Fremantle, it’s a town where a busy port is located, just 20 minutes from Perth. Kalo weekend sering jalan2 kesana, makan fish and chips…shopping at its vintage stores. I miss the cosmopolitan Subiaco and Claremont area as well…I wonder if they still have the flea market every Sunday. Banyak deh dulu kegiatannya main mainnya disana, dari BBQ, bowling..and oh clubbing was a routine every weekend (Duilee)..huehe…there was this one club called “excapade” and it opens until 7 in the morning, there were times when I walked out of the club and saw the sun shone brightly. Life was so free and easy back then, karena emang ambience nya gitu kali ya disana, very laidback…everybody just wanted to have fun and enjoy the sun during the days.
One thing that I don’t like about Perth, ( and other Australian cities in general kali yaa) is their shopping hours. Masa mall and all the stores in the city tutupnya jam 5 sih setiap hari?...Cuma hari kamis aja yang buka sampe malem….they called it late night shopping hours. Other than that I have no complain about the city, I love the transportation system..and I actually miss cruising with the jetty that I usually take if I want to go to the city from my apt… I love the city landscape, di tengah kota ada park yang agak di atas letaknya..namanya Kings Park..the city and the ocean view from there is simply breathtaking. Pokonya overall it’s my kinda city deh, the city where the downtown area is lively and is a bustling hub of shopping, cafes, sassy nightclubs, government and big business…and where the suburbs has small stores, used bookstores, delis and sidewalk café within a walking distance. The city where it’s not too big and too crowded but has enough things to keep you entertained all year long. And the thing that makes that city more memorable is because it’s where I fall in love..where I found the love of my life…somewhere along Aberdeen street….=)
Sekolah gue dulu namanya Perth Institute of Business and Technology, I was pursuing a Diploma of Communication..tadinya mau transfer ke universitas disana to get my bachelor degree..but then I switched my mind totally and flew to the United States instead. Well..i guess I’ve had my fun..and it was the time for me to go, and this was the way I chose...so I had to leave everything behind. I met a lot people in there, found new best friends, friends and so called friends. I learn quite a lot of valuable things while I was there.....I know I did things that I would never be proud of but hey I managed to get back on track.
I could go on and on about Perth....but I guess this is enough for now...tehee.....
* I’m listening to some of the songs from the glorious Perth era as I’m writing this..
You gotta Be – Des’ree
Frozen – Madonna
If I didn’t love you – Tina Arena
Doin just Fine – Boyz II Men
Semi Charm Life – Third Eye Blind
The Freshmen – The Verve Pipe
The Drugs don’t work – The Verve
If I Ever Fall in Love – Shai
The Real Thing – Lisa Stansfield
No Body, Twisted – K Sweat
I’m gonna get you – Angie Brown
Ditty – Paperboy
All my life – KC and JOJO
All songs from The Beautiful London Suede, Air Supply and The Lighthouse Family…
Last week was one crazy week...sinting banget deh banyak banget kerjaan, untung pas jum'at nya mendingan, cause everybody was gone to the 40th annual ISNA convention in Chicago..and thank God the office manager is finally back this week..now i don't have to mess around with the accounting stuff anymore..YAYY...Kemaren kemaren ini karena dia pergi..jadinya gue yang ngurusin accountingnya..dan itu ribetttt banget. We have so many accounts, ada accountnya sekolahan, sunday madrassa, charity account, construction account, operating fund, etc etc...i have to print out a lot of checks..and deal with the vendors yang nggak sabar minta check nya di kirimin. Trus kita kan tiap hari dapet check banyak dari donasi/pledges...so i have to deposit them to the bank...donationnya banyak banyak juga lho..ada sih emang yang 10/20 dollar..ada yang ratusan dollar..dan ada juga yang puluhan ribu dollar. My obgyn just donated $200,000 towards the phase 2/3 construction...gila yah...kok orang bisa setajir itu yahh?...i knew i should've gone to medical school instead of business school...heheee. Anyway..trus belum lagi cash dari kotak kotak amal itu yang jumlahnya banyak juga, apalagi kalo hari jum'at...
Anywayy..emang deh pokonya minggu lalu itu hectic banget, soalnya weekend ini bakalan ada acara diskusi gitu, topicnya.."Difficult Questions frequently Asked by American"...should be interesting, tanggal 11 juga ada forum diskusi with the FBI..tentang Patriot Act...trus tgl 12-14 we're holding a Seera Conference...makanya banyak kerjaan banget deh. Mana minggu kemaren sekolah udah mulai..hari selasa sama rabu nya kelas jam 6-10 malem, jadi nyambung aja terus dari pagi kerja, malemnya sekolah. Pas weekend udah berasa nggak enak badan sih..tapi dasar nggak mo rugi, jadi mainnya di puas puasin..mumpung long weekend..jalan jalan kesana kesini..balik rumah jam 3 pagi, tidur..bangun trus jalan lagii...minum bubble tea nggak brenti brenti..udah gitu ujan terus kan weekend kemaren, jadi yang ada gue pun tepar...batuk, pilek, pusing, demam...dll. Selasa akhirnya nggak masuk kelas karena nggak kuat and the manager sent me home early yesterday and today..nggak tega kayanya dia ngeliat gue yang udah lemes banget...mudah mudahan besok udah sembuh deh yah...Dah ah..now there's one full basket of clothes waiting for me... fresh from the dryer.
My job is going OK here..it’s been 3 months since I worked here, the people who work here and the committees are nice, visitorsnya *the members of this foundation* aja yang suka rese..since they pay a membership fee, they pledge and give donations once a while they thought we owe them something since we get paid from their money..jadi suka seenak enaknya gitu. Beberapa hari yang lalu there was this one guy who asked me about the school..i told him the school starts today and he asked for more detail information about the registration which I didn’t know the answers to any of his questions. So I asked him to come back or call the next day so he can talk to the school administration as they were already closed at that time. I work for the foundation, not the school..so I don’t know a lot of thing about the school. Eh dia nya malah ngasih nomer telfonnya dia and ask me to call him the next day when I have found out all of the information that he needed. Idiih…emangnya gue sekertarisnya apa and like I have nothing else to do?..akhirnya gue tekenin aja lagi kalo gue nggak ada hubungannya sama sekolahnya..mendingan dia sendiri aja telfon langsung as it is not my job to help him with that matters. Trus kemaren, ada cewe…she seemed like a college student..dateng bawa kertas beberapa lembar yang isinya alamat2 orang. She asked me if I could type all of those address and save it in a disc and give it to her cause she wanted to have it in her computer. Dia bilang komputer di rumahnya lagi rusak, jadi dia nggak bisa ngetik sendiri…heh??..I told her to go to her school or kinkos and use the computer there..cause we don’t provide that kind of service here…sembarangan aja deh minta2 tolong…if it’s for something that’s related to the foundation sih nggak pa pa, tapi ini buat personal use gitu lho.
Anyway..most of the things I do here at work is coordinating the events or activities that are hold by the foundation…designing and mailing the invitation, contacting the guest speaker, arranging the transportation, accommodation and everything for them..I am now a regular at expedia.com..hehe, kerjaannya nyari2 flight terus..udah gitu speakernya suka picky lagi kadang2..maunya berangkat dari tempat dia jam segini dan nanti baliknya jam segini..dan maunya direct flight aja…kalo emang pas ada sih nggak pa pa..tapi seringnya kan nggak ada yang sesuai..you’re traveling with commercial here..not a private jet. Right now, I’m trying to have Jeffrey Lang to speak at one of our events, but he’s fully booked until end of next year..but he said maybe he can squeeze in some time in December for us..hmm…let’s see…
Selain itu kerjaan lainnya have a lot to do with publication, dealing sama media media juga, designing and printing the Islamic literatures to post in the racks/bulletin boards, atau untuk di bawa ke prison, we do a lot of Da'wah there. Trus hampir setiap hari disini ada aja group2 yang dateng, group gereja ini..itu..orang2 dari Israel temple, ada group dari sekolah2/universities…they just want to learn about Islam. Nah tugas gue juga as a contact person between them and the education committee in here, nge set schedule nya, speakernya siapa dan materi apa yang mereka mau denger..sometimes I help with creating the powerpoint presentation as well. Trus selain orang2 yang kesini..we get invited a lot to speak at their events. Ada juga student2 yang dateng individually..karena lagi bikin paper atau ngerjain tugas sekolah tentang hal hal yang berhubungan sama Islam. They are all nice, tapi ya gitu deh..kadang suka nanya yang aneh2, maksudnya kalo nanya sejarah or some facts about Islam sih nggak pa pa yah, tapi kalo udah seperti ngajak berdebat dan pertanyaannya menjurus ke..”kenapa elo percaya tuhan..kenapa elo percaya agama ini..?”..dll gue suka males. I don’t like debating about religion cause it’s a personal thing and there is no use of debating and comparing religions because there are just certain things that you could only understand with the heart…so intellectualizing about them is just a waste of time.
Anothing thing that I do in here is working with the social services committee sometimes. We give financial assistances to the needy families or refugees yang bener bener susah banget hidupnya until they are settled. Tapi kan ngasih financial assistance nya nggak gampang gitu aja, there are some process they have to go through ..we have to review their conditions first, investigating and verifying everything..bener nggak nih dia emang bener2 butuh pertolongan, apa cuma males aja??..Most of the time home visit is required before final approval..trus kita juga bantuin mereka cari kerja, distributing foods and charity items, etc. I don’t know if it’s a good thing to put me in this kind of work or not..hehe..soalnya biarpun sebenernya gue orangnya nggak tegaan but for some things that don’t make sense to me..bisa jadi tegaan banget. Abis kadang orang aneh aneh sih…beberapa hari yang lalu ada cowo yang bilang kalo dia butuh financial assistance banget so I asked him about his situation..he said he is unemployed even though he has a psychology degree, his wife has a cancer so she can’t work..he has 2 kids dan sekarang istrinya lagi hamil lagi. He needs money for a lot of things, buat bayar rent rumah, bayar mobil, etc. Kasian sih kasian ya…but there are still a lot of things that he can do to change his situation kok. I know it’s hard to get a job, especially if you want a job that is related to your education, but you don’t need to work in a big corporate and wear a suit and a tie if you want to survive here. A lot of people I know work as waitress or dishwasher and they make a good living..kalo dia mau kan dia juga bisa kerja apa aja, janitor kek..ngapain kek. He can sell his car and get a cheaper one..and why is he even thinking about impregnating his wife?..Ngurus anak 2 aja susah..ini mo nambah lagi. Nggak ngerti deh dia akhirnya di approve atau enggak..kita nggak bakalan nanggung semua biayanya sih, palingan bantuin bayar listriknya aja, atau bayar rent rumahnya aja atau apa lah sebagian aja.
Banyak juga deh pokonya suka duka nya kerja disini, pasti ada aja something extra ordinary happens, banyak kasus kasusnya juga. Kaya bulan lalu, there was this man *Ismail Royer, who is an author* who was –and I think he still is- detained by authorities in DC..katanya he’s related to Al-Qaeda. *read the story here* And this man used to live here and used to go to our mosque and if I’m not mistaken he converted to Islam in this mosque...his family and parents still live here. Ya udah lah jadi nya kita tiap hari di datengin FBI had endless meeting with them and the lawyer, belum lagi banyak banget local media yang mau nulis berita tentang dia. Nggak ngerti skarang kelanjutan kasusnya gimana…
One thing I like most about this job is I get to know a lot of people from different culture, background, etc..i get to meet new people everyday..jadi seneng aja bisa ngobrol ngobrol banyak dan denger cerita cerita mereka..and I learn a lot from this job too..not just work-related stuff but also some other things that i know i will never get it if i work somewhere else...
today is my day off so i just decided to mess around with the layout...nothing fancy..i just got bored with the old one and wanted to try using frame. It's still a work in progress though.....stay tune..;)
I’ve been so lost in the craziness of my daily routine at work lately, busy busy busy..bukannya sok sibuk but I’m really swamped with work that I barely have time to do anything else. I’m supposed to be bloghopping all the time since my manager is not here…but I find it even more and more difficult to click that blue E button on the desktop…*sigh*. I’m not complaining though, in fact I kinda like the overloaded work I’ve been handling lately..especially since my manager and a few of my co-workers are not here..i get to do things my way, hehehe. Plus it makes the days go by even faster and that’s a good thing cause that’s just what I really want cause Inshaallah there will be a lot of happy and exciting things happening in the near future. I can’t wait for august to be over, can’t wait for October to come, and I definitely can’t wait for January to arrive. My school starts next week…that will make me even more busier…and I’m not sure if my brain can still functioning well now that I’ve been away from school for 3 months.
Kemaren disini ada acara 17-an, lumayan banyak lah yang ngumpuL, kita bbq di park near my apt..mulainya sih jam 12 but I came at 3 cause I had to work first, I usually get off at 4 on sunday tapi kemaren sengaja pulang cepet biar nggak ketinggalan ngumpul ngumpulnya. Ada lomba lomba juga kemaren..tapi nggak ada lomba makan kerupuk siih..abisnya pada males kali ya harus goreng dulu kerupuknya..haha. Happy birthday Indonesia ku- wishing you all the strength to face all of the chaos that has been happening to you…and despite everything..i’m still hopeful for a better Indonesia..=)
Hari sabtu kemaren, ada pengajian di rumah gue…hoho…weekend2 bukannya bisa relax malah tambah sibuk yang ada…beres beres rumah..dan masak…tapi nggak pa pa sih, I was volunteering to have it over at our house.. yang dateng banyak juga, sekitar 25 orang. Siomay dan Es Teler gue laku keras dong…*syeneng*. Dua bulan terakhir ini, I've been going to the pengajian every Saturday, it’s time to spare some more time to worship the Master Up there..especially since i've had my moments to experience that he is really there…watching over me and answering my every prayers..=)
Work has been really hectic..two of my co-workers have been on maternity leave.. and today is the first day that the manager is officially on vacation, she won’t be back until early next month!!.. guess who handle all of their work?? ..yupe, none other than yours truly…huhu..poor lil old me. But today was actually a breeze…it’s nice to have the whole office all by myself .. but that won't last long because tomorrow is gonna be crazy, for most people…Friday is the day when they happily say thank god it’s Friday..but for me…oh shit it’s Friday!!!..it’s mad house in the office area every friday with the people who come for friday prayer….and I’m actually kind of nervous right now…not sure if i can handle the madness.
The Kobe Bryant hearing yesterday was a joke..the judge simple trying to turn it into a media circus...i don't see a need for kobe bryant to be there yesterday, to fly hundreds of miles for a ten minute court appearance. Judge nya aja tuh yang emang wanting his 15 minutes of fame and maybe just want to help out the local economy..hehe....soalnya kan kalo nggak ada kobe, then no reporters filling out the local motel's room and eating in the local food establishment. Kobe looked pissed..not pissed because of the charges but for the judge to force him to drag his azz all the wayto the court. A lot of his supporters were outside of the court..that's surprising, i thought the whole town is pro the accuser, so it's good to hear the 'kobe is innocent' chant outside the court. Anyway, but it was also nice to see him at the Teen choice award..where he got the longest and the loudest ovation of the night..the audience didn't stop cheering and applauding him. and you know what..at the actual event, his award was one of the first to be announced...but when they showed it on TV, they put him in the second last instead..dasar yah..i guess they know that people are so eager to watch kobe..makanya sengaja di taro di belakang so we have to watch the whole show.
Anyway, you've heard the news..there was yet another bombing backhome and it's the fifth time that happened in 2003, but this is the biggest one after the Bali blast. I could see the reason or the motive behind the bali bombing, they were targetting the foreigners/westerners..but who is/are actually the target in this case?!..kebanyakan yang kena justru orang orang kecilnya, taxi drivers..supir supir pribadi...bell boy, the security guard, etc. Dan sedihnya waktu para korban itu di bawa ke rumah sakit..the hospital didn't want to take care of them right away...mereka mewajibkan para korban itu untuk bayar uang muka?!?..WTF?!?!..it's not like they were asking the doctors to perform a liposuction or a facelift on them..it was an emergency situation where one minute could cost them their life...they were dying and in dire need of a help....god...tell me what ever happen to humanity?!?!.

i got this a few days ago..and i'm loving it..especially since i got it for free *after rebate* from amazon.com.....i'm such a smart shopper, aren't I?. For anyone looking for a cell phone, i trully recommend this one. It has a built in camera *with a nice resolution*, a cam corder, full PDA functionality, bluetooth technology, etc..the phone is simply loaded with functions. Senengnya sekarang bisa sms an sama yang di jakarta....make gossiping even more easier....hihihi...
just finished uploading new pictures from st. louis botanical garden. mbak susi and mas heru visited us here from carbondale the other day and they wanted to check out the botanical garden..tapi sayang sih nyampe nya pas udah mau tutup, jadi nggak sempet buat klilingin semuanya..abisnya gede bener..*ada english garden, chinese, german, etc* but i had fun feeding off the kois in its beautiful japanese garden and i also had fun identifying the familiar plants in the climatron, jadi kaya tropical rainforest buatan gitu..jadi temperature nya di sesuain sama temperature di daerah tropical..tanahnya juga kali yah?....lucu aja jadinya ngeliat pohon2 yg banyak di jkt dan nggak pernah kita liat disini..kaya pohon pisang, pohon kelapa, palem botol, daun mangkok..hihi..yang ini dulu di rumah gue banyak..waktu kecil suka gue pake buat maen masak masakan. Ada juga pohon bambu, trus ada suplir....wahh jadi inget nyokap deh, dulu sayang banget sama suplirnya..gue kalo ngelewatin nyentuh/nyenggol dikit aja di marahin, trus ada bunga lilin yang warna kuning, kuping gajah..hmm..apa lagi yah..banyak lagi sih yang lain yang familiar tapi nggak tau namanya.
the case is getting interesting....there's more and more shady stories coming out about the girl..apparently she's known as an nba groupie...and she was overdosed on pills last month gara2 stress cowonya abis selingkuh ..so that explains a little bit about her state of mind....dan temennya ada yang bilang kalo dia ngelakuin itu cause she was desperate for his ex boyfriend's attention. A few of her friends were interviewed on tv..and let's just say they have the "hoes" written all over their faces. Trus a few of her high school friends were driving around town with FREE KOBE sign on the car....so she's far from the angel image that her supporters trying to portray...besides..who gets sexually assaulted then goes on a vacation?..oh...and i finally got her name and pictures...the pictures are supposedly accurate.....you can go to the link below to see
update: interesting news here..
"I am innocent of the charges filed today. I did not assault the woman who is accusing me. I made the mistake of adultery. I have to answer to my wife and my God for my actions that night and I pray that both will forgive me. Nothing that happened June 30th was against the will of the woman who now falsely accuses me.
These false allegations have hurt my family. I will fight against these allegations with all my strength.My wife is the strongest person I know. She is willing to stand by me despite my mistake. That means everything to me. I have so much to live for. And by that I do not mean the contracts, or the money, or the fame. I mean my family. I will fight for them. I appreciate all those who have supported me. Thank you for believing in me. My family and I are going to need your support and prayers now more than ever."
man..this makes my heart sink...=((..so he did something that night night that no married man was supposed to be doing.....huhu...i'm totally dissapointed..where is your integrity kobe??..and how come you committed such a stupid act..this is simply the height of stupidity...you have a life beyond anyone's wildest dream..and just throw it all away over a piece of ass, humiliating yourself and your family, and hurting them for some unknown 19 year old that you just met in less than an hour??...hope the sex was worth it Kobe..hope it was the best piece of ass you have ever tasted in your life!!
so now..i guess i will look on kobe with less respect...but still..we have to give him credits for admitting that in public..and i still believe that it was only an immoral act and that he is still innocent of the criminal act, the damn girl went to his room after she's done with her shift in the middle of the night...i'm sure she knew that kobe was up for something..do you think she thought she was only going to drink tea with kobe and chat about the upcoming season??..please.....i'm so curious about the girl..i wanna know her name and see her picture...the people in her town describe her as an honest, friendly, overall good girl. .but i don't buy that at all..ya jelas lah temen2nya masa nggak ngebelain dia. That girl is some celebrity wannabe..she had auditioned for American Idol last year......
we'll see what happen next..hopefully *crossing finger* kobe will be found innocent....i still have faith in him though ....but it's gonna be tough for him, he's dealing with a white girl in a small white town where the whole town knows about her and where the authorities and the jury knows her in person........i wish you all the best of luck kobe...
Today is a big day for my lil brother…soalnya hari ini dia di sunat…..akhirnya mau juga dia di sunat ..soalnya dari dulu udah di suruh2 tapi nggak pernah mau. Nah belakangan ini dia sering di ajak sama nyokap gue ke acara makan2 sunatan anak2 temennya gitu, kan lagi liburan sekolah nih, jadi banyak lah yang di sunat. Nah trus ade gue baru tau kalo orang di sunat itu suka di kasih angpau kan sama tamunya…baru deh dia akhirnya mau juga untuk di sunat..soalnya dia pingin banget beli handphone!!..huehehe..emang dari dulu udah minta beliin hp, tapi nggak di beliin lah sama nyokap gue, abis anak kelas 3 sd gitu..nggak penting banget deh pake2 hp..tapi akhirnya nyokap gue bilang mau beliin kalo dia mau di sunat…ya pake uang angpau itu nanti kalo kurang di tambahin..hahaha. Ada2 aja deh ade gue…barusan gue tanya..”Gimana..sakit nggak?”..”Lumayaaaan” katanya sambil meringis gitu..huehe….!! Dia rela juga kesakitan demi sebuah Nokia 6610….well at least now he knows that luxury has to be earned..and it comes with a price…and in his case…with an injection in his lil thing, a removal of his foreskin and a stitch in that area…*ouch* not to mention some swelling afterwards and one week healing time…huhuhu..hang in there lil boy…
The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families,
more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees but less sense,
more knowledge, but less judgment,
more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly,
laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry
stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little,
watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've added years to life not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We conquered outer space but not inner space.
We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul.
We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
We build more computers to hold more information, to
produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion,
big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce,
fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies,
and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet to kill.
It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.
Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember, to say, "I love you" to your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace
will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
kobe bryant is accused on sexual assault..hmmm that doesn't sound like him at all..*hihi..kaya kenal aja han?..:P*..well.. from what i've observed about him throughout his careers, the way he goes about his business and the way he conducts his life..this just makes me stunned...cause it's completely out of his characters....
..i think he is innocent...abis casenya juga nggak jelas, blom di kasih tau what kind of sexual assault it was, yang pasti it wasn't as serious as rape because they would call it rape instead of sexual assault if it had been a rape..right??..no??.. Trus juga nggak di kasih siapa nama cewe itu..maybe to cover her identity but it's just not fair that she remains unidentified while his name is being dragged every 5 minutes on cnn..and why did he get the arrest warrant only a few days after the incident while prosecutors were still mulling over the evidence anyway?..Biasanya kan case2 gitu take quite a while...beberapa bulan kemudian baru kedengeran..kenapa kesannya ini buru2 banget?..
so far, there isn't a story yet..it's probably just some chick trying to extort bucks from him.....c'mon kobe..please prove it ain't true...
Btw, have you heard the news about the Iranian twins?..they died in separation surgery..it's a heartbraking news...my condolences to the family and the team of doctors who tried their best to make the twins dream to reality..
so..i guess i'll see you around peeps...=)
…I’m being magabuters today cause the manager is not here..hihi. She called me this morning and told me that she’s not gonna be at work today, so she just wanted to remind me to bring my own key, otherwise I won’t be able to get in since we are the only people who use this room….so no one else has the key…and then after I hung up the phone, I just realized that I don’t have the key with me. It’s in the other key chain that dendre took with him to work…oh noo. I knew when he grabbed that key chain this morning I felt like maybe he should grab the other one instead, nggak ngerti kenapa ada pikiran gitu aja..not because I realized that it’s got my office key in it…cuma nggak tau kenapa berpikiran gitu aja, tapi abis itu langsung mikir..”ah sama aja kok kunci yg mana aja juga”. ..huahh…jadilah tadi pagi sebelom kerja I drove all the way to downtown to his office first to pick up the damn key, so it took me almost an hour to get to work this morning yang padahal biasanya cuma 10 menit aja. Huhu..should have listened to my so called inner voice.
happy birthday dendreku....Happy 24..=)..*i am two weeks older than him..and it just so happens that his mom is also two weeks older than his dad....interesting heh?*. happy birthday juga buat mbak nanda *his sister...they share the same birthday*..so many birthday these days...=)
goodbye to vanda who has left the states yesterday, she was on her way to the airport when i called her ......i'm sure a lot of wonderful opportunity will come your way once you step your foot in J town van...=)
and now..the only girlfriend i have in here is leaving me...*sobs*.....bye bye dina....hope i can visit you soon...=)
finallyyy....the ups guy delivered the package yesterday..and i'm cruising at a maximum speed once again..hehe..*syeneeng*..apalagi di tambah the fact that we don't have to pay the full monthly fee for this since dendre works there..he gets employee discount if he uses their products such as the dsl, the home phone *southwestern bell* and thecell phone..*cingular*...lumayan banget kan...cause that means more money to be spent..saved!!..
good morning everybody...=), it's moving day today..yay, i will be sleeping in my new place starting from tonight. but i don't think i will be online that much in a week or so though, cause the earliest the DSL guy can come to install everything is june 3rd. on the meantime, i'll try dial up.....hopefully it won't be as bad. OK, gotta load these boxes to the moving truck right now....bubbye..have a nice weekend peeps..=)
Watch out world, here SHE comes......=)..hehehe.....shinta darling, this is your day and by golly you earned it!!...... congrats yah..=)
the picture on the right is a 5 year lil old me..and i’m 24 now…old and cranky..hehe...i guess i've gone along way eh?
so i was born on may 21, and what does that makes me? a taurean? or a gemini?..it’s on the cusp, some sources say i'm a taurean but some sources say that i’m definitely a gemini..i check both of them whenever I feel like reading my horoscopes and I usually just go with the one that has more good news..hehe. but i feel like a taurean most of the times though…=)
anyway, i'm so grateful that life has been treating me good these past 12 months, it’s been a bed of roses.. basically what hanzky wants, hanzky gets. sure there are things that i wish didn’t happen, but the good stuff that happened far outweigh the bad stuff. i’m happy that it wasn’t just a matter of time passing me by, cause this past year is the highlight of my life so far. i managed to accomplish all the things I want.. took a big step to declare my vow about life time commitment...i guess everything that i have done and everything that happened to me during my 23 yo days represents the beginning of a wonderful future…and i just can’t wait to see what the future holds for me..=)
sometimes when I’m feeling good i like to think that i’m not bad for a 24 y.o..but there are times when i beat myself up mentally and think that i’m waaay behind other people and should have achieved more things by now, yea..i tend to compare myself with others a lot, cause i think that’s the only way you can see how far ahead or how far behind are you in the competition. but now i’m trying to understand that it doesn't work like that at all..we all come from different worlds, our brains do not work in a similar way, we have different talents and opportunities, each of us have different dreams and vision, there are things that are important to me to achieve that no one cares about at all and vice versa, we also have different strengths and weaknesses and our dynamic of life is different from the day we were born. therefore it’s just useless to compare ourselves to others and think that we have to match them in every aspects in life. so now i’m trying hard not to compare myself to the best others can do, but to the best i can do and whether i have maxed out my full potential..so when i look back in retrospect i know i won't regret a single thing knowing i have lived my life to the fullest...=)
anyway...thank you ya semuwanya who makes a point to send me birthday wishes…it means a lot to me to know that you care…=)..
I’ve been in panick mode these past couple of days, and the people at cypress hill village should be held responsible for it!!
You see..i was supposed to be moving out of this apt this Friday, I’ve already found an apartment that I like, signed the contract, paid the deposit and all that since more than a month ago. But suddenly the manager in the new apt called me last thursday, saying that the unit is not gonna be ready by this weekend or any other weekends for that matter cause she said the last tenant had a fire incident so now they have to get some serious inspections done and it will cost them a fortune. So that’s a bummer..but she gave me another unit that she said will be available come Friday, and the unit turns out to be a lot better than the one I chose, so I was okay with that. Even though I was still upset with the fact that I had to call all of the utilities’ company to switch the service to different address..erghh. trust me it is frustrating to call the 1-800 number, listening to all of the menus, and waiting for a few minutes till the sales representative finally answered the calls, and mind you, there are more than 10 phone calls that i have to go through!!! But anyway, I didn’t make a big deal out of it, still happy and excited to be moving to a new place.
But you know what happened?...just right when I finished making all those phone calls on friday morning, the manager called me …and told me that she apparently messed up the paperwork and somebody else had just moved in to that particular unit so she has to give me another one again . WTF?!?!.. How could she tossed me around like that?!?! I was soooo pissed off I couldn’t even say anything.. feeling like banging my head against the wall. that means I have to call each of the utilities’ company again one by one and asked them to switch the service to another address all over again!! And you know what frustrating me even more?? I took a look at the unit that she gave, and I don’t like it at all!!! Basically the floor plan/the interior is the same. But the building is far away from the apt’s entrance, it’s all the way to the end, next to the cemetery complex!!! Plus the exterior of the building looks very old..pokonya it was very disappointing. So I told her that there’s no fucking way i'm gonna move to that shitty unit, cause had she told me in the first place that that's the only unit available, i wouldn't even bother to think about moving there. i agreed to move there to the unit i chose, not to any units that she gives me...she apologized and everything, but shit her apologize didn’t do me any good..i need more than apologize..i need a place to live!!!...But in the end I just told her that I’m going to think about it over the weekend...and after thinking about everything thoroughly, dendre and i decided to give it a shot and move in anyway, cause there is not enough time to find a new one cause the contract in this apt will be expired this weekend, and we don’t wanna be homeless that’s fo sho!!!.
So anywaaay..she called yesterday morning and asked about my decision, I was about to tell her that I will take the apt but she was talking crap about how she doesn’t understand why I don’t like the unit. somehow, i got the impression that she was trying to make me feel like I should be thankful and grateful about it, as if she's giving out some kind of freebies or something..and what pisses me even more was the way she asked if i was going to move in or not, she made it sound like i was wishy washy about it and only cause her troubles..WTF??..she's the one who messed up everything...i’ve had it up to here *point to forehead* and at that minute I was like..that’s it!!...fuck this..i don’t need this, she has given me too much headache and if I move there that means I’ll be dealing with her from time to time and honestly i'd rather undergo a root canal that having to deal with her ever again...erghh..i feel like shredding her to pieces right now!!....so i canceled the contract right away......4 days before the day that I’m supposed to get my azz from this apt!!..poor lil old me..! I’ve told the management in this apt about my situation…and they said I could extend the contract to another month so that I will have enough time to find a new apt. so at least that’s a relieve, but I still wanna move as soon as possible though so I can just get rid of it and carry on with my life…*sigh*..
thank you mavs...you just made my day....=)
these are the reasons why i hate the kings so much, cause they're cocky, they whine too much and never stops making excuses, and they didn't even credit the other team for winning the game nor showed emotion and dedication towards the game, what's with bibby eating skittles during the post game interview like it's just another game, no big deal huh?!?! classless!! so sorry kings fans...still no bling bling in any of the players' fingers this year....;)
Lakers dynasty has died..*at least this season*...they were literally falling apart in this game..*hiks*..kobe and fisher was crying, and kobe looked like he was trying to hold back his tears during the post game interview..now let's just hope the mavericks will win tonite..cause if my lakers can't win it, i certainly don't want the kings to win it!!!
This guy is becoming more and more familiar to me, cause I saw him on TV like almost everyday now that it’s playoff season for the NBA especially since the Mavericks is still ALIVE. Yupe, he’s none other than the owner of Dallas Mavericks, the baby boomer tycoon named Mark Cuban. I’ve heard a lot about him, but never in details, so I did a little bit of googling to find out more about him, and after gathering so many information, I think now I can say that he’s quite something, not just your regular billionaire..he's the work hard party hard kinda of guy and he sets a good example to a lot of business minded people, He gave quite a few advices to lil mark cuban out there, i know some of his advices can be found in marketing or any business textbooks, but i've never seen anyone works them in the real world as perfect as he does. so i thought i'd share it with you..=)..*ps: this may be boring though, but who knows it could be useful for some of us..*
1. Say Yes to Anything, Never Say NO!
when he was in college, he came up with the idea of having his own computer networking company..*MicroSolutions, Inc* . He didn’t know anything about computer at all at that time, never taken a computer class. But he believed in himself that he can learn anything if he has the will to do it, so he never turned customers’ request even though he didn't know shit what the customers wanted and managed to pull it all together and delivered a top notch work. The company was a success, setelah beberapa tahun..CompuServe was interested in his company and he sold it for a few million dollars. Setelah itu dia sempet juga built broadcast.com from scratch yang akhirnya di beli sama Yahoo!
2. Be passionate at what you’re doing and show it to the world.
When he bought the Mavericks, the team wasn’t in a good shape and they were trapped in a long losing streak season. But he turned it all around by getting involved in every single activity that has anything to do with the team. He's very passionate about it and he's able to encourage the community to support the team in his own way. One of his unique way is by sitting at the bench with the players and the coaches during the game. Most of the NBA owner would sit somewhere in private, out of public eyes, wearing their expensive suits and ties. But not Mark Cuban, he is there near the baseline, yelling and cheering on his teams, wearing just jeans and a regular t-shirt…making sure the referees are doing the job right. He complains to the referees a lot, and of course, as a result, he got fined a lot!!. But that shows character right there, that he is willing to do anything in his power to protect his players and stand up for them.There was one time when he got a $500,000 fined—for saying of the head of NBA officiating : “I wouldn’t hire him to manage a Dairy Queen”…hihi. Dan akhirnya dia malah dapet surat dari Dairy Queen, yang mungkin felt somewhat insulted by his statement and invited him to be a dairy queen manager for a day, saying that it's not as easy as it seems to be a dairy queen manager. And being a humble man that he is, he accepted the job…and of course, thousands of people were waiting in line in dairy queen to see him serving ice creams… And I think that’s a good marketing, cause that’s a chance to prove once again that you’re indeed the coolest billionaire. You think Bill Gates would ever wanna do that?
3. Connect with your customers/clients/fans…anyone that has something to do with your company.
Unlike any other public figures who hide their email address/contact number, Mark Cuban put his email address everywhere and encourage anyone to send him email if they have question/complains/suggestion or anything and he actually reads and reply the email right away. He has answered thousands upon thousands of email, and even though he is such a busy man he makes himself approachable. In fact, his desk in his office is the one near the entrance door so it is easier for him to talk to the customers, he’s also make time to sign autographs before and after the game..and also very closed with his employees and always does his best to give a great working environment for them. When he owned the MicroSolutions, he only had 85 employees, but over the course of seven years, he only had four employees leave. And all of them came back to work for him at some point.
4. Customer is always right.
I know it sounds lame, but it’s true and he also believes in no detail is too small when it comes to taking care of customers to create any excuses for them to go and spend their money somewhere else. He even handle complains from people who found chewing gum on the seat at the arena, or when the restrooms are not clean enough, etc.
5. Low Profile
Yes he’s a billionaire now, but that doesn’t mean he would trade his sweatpants for a suit and tie. There is nothing about his appearance that signal his status as one of the country’s richest man. He doesn’t feel the need to remind the world that he is now an important person. In fact, he still go to 7-11 to buy a diet coke and tuna sandwich if he’s hungry…
6. You Don’t have to be an innovator to succeed.
It's becoming more and more impossible for anyone to come up with such a unique idea that no one has every done before. But there’s usually a place to sneak in and do something a little different and work harder at executing them. He admits that mostly he stole his ideas from somebody else, he never really invented anything, he just put the pieces and the information together better.
7. Never invest money in the market.
This is what he said..”Put your money in the bank. The stock market is probably the worst investment vehicle out there. NEVER put your money in something where you don't have an information advantage. Why invest your money in something because a broker told you to? If the broker had a clue, he/she wouldn't be a broker, they would be on a beach somewhere..”..hehe, i couldn't agree more with Mr. Cuban.
Anywaaay...now you know who i'll be rooting tomorrow, of course the dallas mavericks, not just because i like the owner, but because i basically root for anyone who plays against the kings...hihi...one more win for the mavs and the kings will be sent straight to the basketball hell..