Highlight of the week

November 02, 2002

Unlike the previous weeks that had been quite hectic, this week is menyenangkan sekali...=). First of all, i'm happy to see all of my old friends from high school since I created the mailing list, yah belom banyak sih baru ada 16 orang..but it feels so fucking awesome to hear from the people who once a big part of your daily life..i mean, i got to see them everyday for 3 fucking years back in high school kan....banyak lah pasti kenangan2 nya, dan karena udah lama banget nggak pernah ketemu..jadi ya lagi semangat semangatnya nih, we have a lot of catching up to do. Trus, selaen itu.....I'm also happy because i get quite a lot of new things. I went to Rag-O-rama a couple of days ago, it's a used clothing store.....ceritanya mo jual baju2 gue. I usually just donated them to goodwill tapi nggak tau kenapa kepikiran aja untung nyoba jual kesana. They bought most of the clothes and they gave me a choice to either take the cash for $35 or get a store credit for $50.....setelah liat liat ternyata banyak juga yang lucu lucu so i decided to take the store credit, so i got me some cool vintage stuff. So there..i got to shop without spending any money. The next day, Dina got back from phoenix and she brought me a cute denim clutch from there...uhuyy another free stuff. Of course i was happy..And it didn't end there, cause the next day after that, I got a package from my uncle and untie, turned out it's the stuff for me to bring back home...oleh2 dari mereka buat yang di jakarta..dan ternyata ada juga yang buat gue doong, woohoo..a gift certificate from banana republic and victoria secret. I also just got another gift certificate from sephora, clinique and nordstrom..ahaha..isn't that so cool?? To be able to go shopping without even spending a penny of your money..gosh i can live like this forever. I'm planning to use all of the gift certificates this weekend, and to top it off..i'm going to Chicago first thing in the morning tomorrow. so, bye peeps..i'm on my way to a HAPPY WEEKEND, hope you have a good one too......

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