feel like time is rolling by even faster now…the faster the better.. cause I can’t wait any longer for the college basketball and the NBA season to start….I’ve read all of the sports magazines who are speculating about this coming season…sounds like it’s gonna be another hell of season….yuhuu bring it on!!!
Got so much to do for today, hmm..lemme check. Okay, first thing first……I have to go to union planters to open a bank account *bye bye bank of America, I’ve had enough of your crap*. Then I have to go to Sylvan Learning center to schedule my GMAT *there goes my $200*. I need to go to the post office too to send the stuff for my lil cousin in Tampa. I bought him some cute stuff from Old Navy. Their kids clothes especially girls are mad cute and they are affordable too…no need to go to OsKosh B'Gosh!! *did I spell that right?* I also need to go to the alteration house. Tonight..we’re gonna go to this Indonesian family’s house *tante Dien*, her dad just passed away a few days ago and she’s stuck in here, can’t go home for her dad funeral. I can’t even picture how she feels right now.
Happy Birthday Mina, wishing you a wonderful life through today and the years to come.
On a not so cheerful note…turut berduka cita buat denok yang baru keilangan eyangnya this morning, may he rest in peace.
I have never experienced how wonderful it feels to have a grandpa, mine *from both side * have passed away before I was born. Now that I think of it, I’d prefer it to be this way *not knowing them at all* than having to go through the suffers when they finally have to leave. The idea of losing someone I love and seeing the whole family in grieves horrifies me.
Baby vamos, we'll fly away, like there is no, no tomorrow
If could go, contigo, I'll tell my friends, nothing at all
I'll get my things, soon as you say, baby vamos, we'll fly away
Angie Martinez is mad pretty... Agree?
So the car is sold..*sobs*, there is an empty space in my parking lot now. Anyway, yang beli mobilnya itu orang Thailand who had an Indonesian girlfriend a few years back when he went to college in Columbia, Mizzou. I think they dated for quite a while, judging from how fluent his Indonesian is. Beneran deh..ngomong sama dia jadi kaya ngomong sama orang Malaysia, asli lancar gitu bahasa Indonesianya but with a funny accent. He said he went to Jakarta for holiday a couple times, katanya rumah cewenya di daerah simpruk. Anyway, he works as an Engineer at Chrysler, makanya dia ngerti banget soal mesin mobil sampe sedetil detilnya…dan banyak nanya nya gitu..dooohh yang punya aja malah nggak ngerti apa apa, hihi. Then I asked him of he knew Olga, my neighbor, a Russian girl who happens to be an engineer at Chrysler also…and turned out they know each other very well. What a small world huh??
One presentation down, and I have another one to go in the next two weeks, meaning group meeting this saturday cause this is gonna be a group presentation..arggh don’t you just hate group meeting? I didn’t think I aced my presentation last nite though; things just didn’t go my way since Monday. I was about to work on it when suddenly a migraine hit me like crazy in the morning. It was so severe, Advil didn’t help at all..the migraine ice cooling pads didn’t help either *instant soothing, cooling relief my ass..i want my money back!!*. So I literally spend the whole day curling up under my blanket and went to bed around 9. But I wasn’t too worry about my presentation cause I thought I still can work on it the next morning since my class won’t start until 6. I know I am on-call at work yesterday but I was so sure that they weren’t going to take my on calls. So I called my manager in the morning and turned out they needed me at work. Oh greaattt, they have never used my on call whenever I was in my free time and now that I need all the time I could get they asked me to go to work!! So I worked until it was time for me to go to class and present the case.
Went to west county mall last weekend, it was the grand opening of the mall and I felt like it was my duty to check it out..tee hee. Ada Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, dan ada banyak celebriti2 st louis termasuk diriku ini..hihi. Pokonya banyak playernya Rams, Cardinals and Blues yang gue juga nggak tau who’s who, paling cuma tau Kurt Warner aja. By the way, I knew I was gonna love that mall when I just first got there, first thing I noticed was the overall interior design of the mall, it has this clean contemporary looks, it’s definitely a hip looking place. For me, this mall is what I call a one stop shopping cause it stored all of my favorite clothing lines. Ada Forever 21 *a huge one*, Papaya, Arden B, bebe, Wet Seal, Rampage and Charlotte-Russe, hohoho….I have finally reached my Mecca.
I managed to study GMAT last night at borders..now I have things-to-do list for the rest of the weekends:
- Unpacked my winter clothes. I still have them in the boxes that I put in the storage. Tee hee..you can tell how lazy I am by now. Hey it was hot like hell when I moved in (last may) so I figured I didn’t need it at that time…but it’s getting colder now…must unpacked!!
-Stop by at Old Navy to pick up my next week schedule (hope I don’t get any weird hours for next week).
-Finished up the power point for my presentation, it’s basically done, it just need a little touch here and there.
-Here’s the good part…….cash-in my pay check!!
-Order some of the pictures to be developed at photofun.com. I’ve never done this before but hopefully it’ll turn out good.
-Clean up the whole apt, do some laundry.
-Go to the mall to exchange the item I bought last week. This is another result of my laziness, most of the time I don't feel like trying the clothes or whatever it is i wanted to buy in the fitting room (especially if i buy it at the mall near my house). So I end up going there back and forth to exchange it. It's fine with me though cause that means I have a good excuse to once again go to the malls..tee hee!
Now what's your plan for the weekends..?
Have a faboulous weekend everybody!
Pasti dong semuanya udah sering denger kata kata di atas? Dan malah mungkin emang sering ngomong jayus. Gue sendiri sih nggak pernah ngomong jayus, hahaha…abis kayanya jayus banget sih kalo ngomong gitu..*lho ini gimana siih?*…hehehe!. But anyway, that’s not the point. Gue waktu itu baru di kasih tau nih asal muasalnya kata jayus dan sekarang baru inget lagi, nggak tau deh emang semuanya udah pada tau dan gue nya aja yang nggak up to date apa ternyata banyak yang belum tau juga asal muasalnya. Tapi cuek aja deh di ceritain disini…I've been messing around with my power point all day this afternoon to prepare my presentation and thus i need a little break from it..So here we go…
Jayus itu kan artinya sama aja kaya norak gitu kan yaa...Jadi “jayus deh lo” is the same with “norak deh lo or garing deh lo". Nah, waktu itu nih konon katanya ada seorang cowo yang namanya Jayus sekolah di Gonzaga *ini sumbernya dari anak gonz sendiri*. Nggak tau deh nama panjangnya siapa yang jelas first name nya Jayus aja. Dulu belom ada tuh kata2 jayus dan ni cowo katanya sih kelakuannya asli noraaaak dan malu maluin banget, jadi sering di ceng cengin gitu lah sama temen temennya, di bilang norak/kampungan segala macem sampe seisi gonzaga juga tau semuanya.
Nah, jadi katanya tuh sejak itu kalo ada orang yang suka malu maluin jadi di bilang gini sama anak anak gonzaga “ih norak banget sih lo kaya si jayus” yang lama lama jadi “ih ketularan si jayus lo yaa” dan akhirnya di singkat jadi “iihh…..jayus banget sih loooo..”…hehehe.....
Ada ada aja yaaa....nggak kebayang deh tuh yang namanya si Jayus itu gimana reaksi nya pas denger namanya di sebut dimana mana...
I Watched Larry King Live 2 days ago when the guests were the three middle eastern descents who were detained by authorities in Florida for 17 hours. I’m sure you guys know the story already, but in case you haven’t heard about it…here’s a little summary about what happened. Jadi ceritanya these 3 men were driving down from Chicago to Florida and stopped by at a restaurant somewhere in Atlanta to get something to eat. So they were sitting around, talking and everything. Apparently, there was a woman in the next booth they were sitting who were eavesdropping on their conversation. Of course, they didn’t realize that…at least not until their car was pulled off by the police when they just continued driving. Usut punya usut, ternyata that woman had reported them to the police because according to her, she heard them making jokes about 9/11 and talking about how America will mourn over 9/13 which will be even worse than 9/11 and about them talking of bringing something down. Well, bringing it down could be interpreted in so many ways, and this woman thought that they were gonna blow something up, or bringing a building or an airplane down or something like that. So, thinking this is gonna be another act of terrorism, she reported it to the police right away and that’s why their car got stopped and they were detained for 17 hours.
Now the authorities have released them and according to them..they didn’t talk anything about 9/11 at all, they didn’t mention 9 or 11 or 13 nor September. They admitted that they were saying about bringing something down, which it in here refers to the car they were planning to bring (drive) down from Kansas City to Miami!!
So, I don’t know..do you think the woman is exaggerating or you think these 3 men really did what the woman said but just don’t want to admit it? For some reason though, I’m pretty sure that they didn’t make a joke about 9/11. I mean, they are all medical students, which presumably are you know..nice and educated people, preserve humanity, helpful and all that. And I don’t think anyone would joke around about 9/11 in public, in front of Americans, I mean..only a jackass would do such thing..or better yet, a drunken jackass. And you know what, she also said that she heard them talking in another language *presumably Arabic*...and there's a problem in there cause apparently they don’t speak the same native language, one guy is Arab, the other one is Pakistani * I’m not sure what the other one is*. So now, because of a comment made by one woman, their whole life is being affected. For the start, the hospital has declined the internship offer for them right away. And there was also a rumor going on about them jumping the tollbooth and didn’t pay the fee which then authorities had sorted it out and said they did pay the money.
But at the same time though, I also didn’t think that the woman invented all that, cause why would she wanted to fabricate all that?..what for? I guess she’s just being overly suspicious and thus, misunderstood about the whole situation and as soon as these men walked in the restaurant, they were suspects! If I were her, I would just confronted them right away as soon as I hear their comments, I’d prolly just say something like..”what did you say?..i’m sorry I overheard you talking about 9/11 and I’m just curious about it bla bla bla” or something like that.
Anyway, there’s another story that I find very interesting. I just read it in time magazine, Confession of an al-Qaeda terrorist. Apparently, one of the Al Qaeda representatives lived in Indonesia, in Cijeruk to be exact. And according to CIA, he’s the man behind almost all of the bombing attacks back home, including the Atrium bombing and the Istiqlal mosque bombing and he’s after Megawati. Do you buy that? I don't. Anyway, he has an Indonesian wife who said she knows nothing about her husband being a terrorist. She only remember what he did when they were getting married.. he made her promise that if he disappeared one day, she would not go looking for him. Hmm..*merinding*...
I finally found some articles about deceptive advertising, which would be the topic for my presentation next week. I just need to tie it in with the course concepts some times this week, create the power point presentation then I’m good to go *at least that’s what I think*. Actually thinking about the presentation makes me kind of nervous, I have no problem of presenting something in front of the class all by myself since I have done that so many times, but this one is different because not only we have to explain the case, but we also we have to lead and stimulate all class members into the discussion for at least 30 minutes. I’m doomed.
Anyway, I’m gonna go study at borders after this, I just can’t study at home where there is a computer near me. Last weekend was OK, nothing extraordinary, I just went to the mall as usual, yea this is what happen if you live half minutes away from the mall, hehe..Kacau deh..tetanggaan sih sama mall. I did some shopping, went to the loop, had some bubble teas, and went to rag-o-rama. Oh and I also went to marshalls and bumped into my manager there, the first thing he said was..”What are you doing here??..Why don’t you shop at old navy??”..and I was like..”Well..look who’s talking here”..tee hee.. later on he confessed that old navy is not his taste at all. Gimana sih ini employee nya old navy kok nggak ada yang represents?? Yah abis gimana..baju nya juga biasa2 sih, sometimes emang suka ada yang lucu but that’s very rare. I mean I can find much better outfits with much cheaper prices than they offer at old navy. That’s why I’m still confused with the customer’s adoration towards the brand. I mean, you should see the customers’ response on the opening of the store, in fact up until now, I still hear the customers talking about how happy they are that we finally open and this and that..i mean it’s not like we live in a remote village where we don’t have any choice to go shopping, believe me you can find almost everything in here. Sayang banget deh kayanya to see yet another customers spending hundred of dollars there where I could get so much nicer clothes to fill my entire wardrobe somewhere else..but then again it’s not money. So for those old navy’s fans…I’m sorry…but you ain’t got no taste!!..tee hee…
it's getting windy nowadays, especially in the morning and at night..i'm not ready for winter yet, i'm more of a summer person, i love skirts, t-shirts, capris, flip flops..and the like. Anywaaaayy, baru abis cuci mobil nih cause some people have called and said they were gonna come and take a look at it. In fact, there is one who is test driving it right now. Boohoo..ternyata bukan cuma company aja yang lagi downsizing, individuals pun pada sibuk downsizin..*diriku ini contohnya*...hihi. Mudah2 an aja mobilnya cepet laku deh, there was actually a really serious buyer last week, he already got an insurance for it and everything but when he went to the bank to apply for a loan, he got rejected cause he still carries a huge amount of student loans. Too bad.....! Well......have a FUN weekend everybody........oh BTW, i got my ticket in my hand now..ahuhuyy, i can smell it getting closer..and since there's a stop over in Singapore for 2 hours, i decided to just spend the whole day and night there and go home the next day..i guess 24 hours would be just enough to stroll around orchard road and have dinner in clark quay port...woohooo!!!
Just finished reading the starbucks article in business week. Ternyata, di buka nya 3 starbucks di jakarta itu termasuk one of starbucks’ ambition to colonize the globe. Mereka emang lagi gencar gencarnya expanding overseas and this is just a start, still in the very early stage of their plan, so wait till you see starbucks everywhere wherever you go..hehe! Starbucks is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world, 15 years ago, they only have 17 coffee shops in Seattle but now it’s growing to 5,689 outlets in 28 countries. Thinking of buying stocks? Consider starbucks, cause its stocks have gone thru 4 splits and when most companies are in downsizing era, starbucks is expanding!!
Padahal, starbucks itu sering banget di protest orang orang dimana mana lho, every time you see a new starbucks built, there is most likely a crowd of protesters in front of it, but they still going strong. Trus juga, ternyata management starbucks sucks big time, most of its employee are not satisfied with its policy, a lot of complaints about them being overworked and under appreciated. Malah ratusan store manager nya starbucks pernah nge-sue starbucks karena mereka nggak di bayar to work overtime.
But everybody’s still going to starbucks anyway and it’s still the most growing brand even though they are not relying on marketing and advertising. In fact, when most retail like Mc-Donald’s spend more than $300 million annualy towards advertising, starbucks only spend $30 million. Well setelah di pikir ya emang they don’t need a lot of advertising cause they don’t really have competitors and most of the time we are left with no choice but to get a cup of coffee at starbucks cause they are the closest thing we can reach.
That’s one thing about starbucks, they are really a winner when it comes to location, and they would do anything to get the location they want. Mereka bakalan datengin landlordnya and tell the landlord that they are gonna pay double rate as long as the owner is willing to kick the current tenant. Dan misalnya nih ada one local coffee shop, dan sebenernya starbucks is not planning to open another coffee shop in that same area, they will still go to the landlord and offers them double rate only to keep the competitors out of the location, padahal setelah local coffee shop itu keluar, tokonya pun di kosongin gitu aja.
Sekarang, ada yang namanya prepaid starbucks card..priced all the way to $500. So the customer can just give the cashier their card and the cashier will swipe it and it will deduct the total automatically and then the customer is ready to go, no hassle, no need to rummage thru your purse for coins, no need to sign for the receipt and they have sold around $70 million of the cards. It’s scary….Starbucks is caffeinating the world.
It’s the anniversary of 9/11 *Did you realize that yahoo goes gray??* I’ve been watching CNN since I woke up this morning, no commercial interrupting the programs, just like one year ago. They are mentioning the names of the victims right now, The US national anthem is playing in the background. It gives me this chill and got me all teary-eyed. Yupe, that’s what happen whenever I hear the Star Spangled Banner song even though I have heard it for like a thousand times, even if I hear it in the basketball hall before the NCAA games. I guess it’s the lyrics, or the tune, or the spectacular voice of the singer, or maybe just the ambience it creates whenever the anthem is playing. It makes me turn quiet somehow, my mind goes blank, my body stop doing whatever it is I’m doing and just listen to it carefully. It’s a beautiful song…
Say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
o’er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Anyway, 9/11 does change the world and people’s live, not only to those whose family/friends were one of the victims but pretty much to each and everyone of us, including me..although indirectly. We all know that US is heightening its security since 9/11, one of the steps that they are taking is to limit the numbers of people who could enter the country, meaning it’s not easy to get a visa to come here. And that’s what has happened lately. More people got rejected than ever and actually there are more who got rejected than accepted. Not only that, it is also take them forever to screen and process the visa applications, especially to male applicants. So it takes at least 4 weeks to get it done and even longer than 8 weeks for some cases. Kasian kan yang visa nya di tolak tolakin, the embassy officer turn their life all around. Some people got fired from their company because they have been away too long from work cause they are still waiting for the visa. Some have to be separated from their family cause they don’t get the access to come back here, some have to postpone their study cause by the time they got the visa it’s too late for them to come back since school starts already. Some have to say goodbye to the stuff they have in their apt, their car, their house, their TV, their couch, computer and basically every single thing that they left without having the chance to at least get their money back from selling away those stuff.
So this is what has been occupying my mind these past weeks. To go home or not to go home is the big question. If I decide to go home that means I’m going home with the risk of not being able to come back here, to finish my study, to continue the life that I have built little by little here and start all over again in the city where I was born. And If I decide to stay here that means I have to give up or at least postpone indefinitely the moment I’ve been dreaming ever since I was a little girl, cause I’m going home not merely for vacation purpose, I have other mission to complete…=). Oh well.. I’ve purchased the ticket so obviously I have made up my mind and positively sure about that. Not much I can do except PRAY. Ikutan doain yaah semuanyaa, hehe. OK, enough ranting..now I have to get my hands on my cracking-the-GMAT book.
I just want to send my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives or were affected by the loss of loved ones , may strength always be with you and may the US government learn from its mistakes.
I’m going home this December *woohooo* I’ve already paid for the ticket yesterday and the ticket should be on its way to my mailbox now. I know it’s still 2.5 months away till December but most of the flights have already booked. In fact I was in the waiting list before I finally got the seat. So yeah..i’m happy and relieved!
But you know what, I’m gonna leave on Dec 5 and got home on Dec 8! You know what that means?? That means I have to celebrate Idul fitri far away above the sky. Nggak berasa banget lebarannya kan? But at least it’s still in Idul fitri’s atmosphere when I arrived at home so I’m sure there will be some leftover ketupats and opor ayam somewhere in the kitchen. And you know what, according to this article…if we’re flying with their business class we can actually request any kind of meals we want, be it gudeg yogya, Bakmi GM, ketoprak or anything..just name what you want and it’ll be delivered right to your seat. Nice heh? Maybe I could request some ketupats for my meal…hihi…too bad I’m holding the economy seat ticket..:þ .But it’s all good..i just wanna go home safe and sound. Woohoo..can’t you see I’m excited *norak*..hey the last time I went home was January 2001 so this has been waaayyy too long!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya mas jani…… mudah mudahan tambah banyak rejekinya..biar taun depan bisa makan2 lagi *hihi*
Menu nya tadi asli banyak bener dari mulai shrimp with honey and mayo, cumi goblok, salted fish fried rice alias nasi goreng ikan asin *nyam2*, trus ada ikan tilapia, hmm..what else? Tofu w/ shrimp, duck, etc2. Dan malemnya di tutup with Tiramisu from Olive Garden..*nyam2*
Weekend has always been some kind of Asian food fiesta for me since weekdays is all about burgers and another trip to Mc Donald’s, or my other daily intake which is indomie kari ayam with lots and lots of chili powder, white pepper, bawang goreng plus bakso urat or fried tofu, pathetic heh?
Eniwei…Gone are the days of the American domination of basketball as the US team is officially in the loser bracket *lol*, they are finishing sixth!! I thought they have learned a lot after losing to Yugoslavia, but they lost again to Spain on Saturday night, three times in a row and they got beaten in their very own country, right at the heart land of America!!! And by the way…I’m surprise that Americans don’t really have a sense of American Pride, I mean..look at how many people showed up and cheered for their team?? Kebanyakan yang dateng justru yang dari negara2 laen to support negaranya masing masing, i.e. china, Yugoslavia, Argentina, etc. Salah organizer nya juga sih kayanya yang kurang promosiin acaranya so people are unaware of the events and not to mention the very high-priced tickets. Sekarang semuanya pada maen salah salahan and guess who got blamed the most??? It’s my guy Kobe for his lack of interest in playing…. which just validates the fact that he’s indeed the best..=P
The USA basketball team, the so called dream team got schooled by the yugos last night, I’m glad they are out though, cause I think they are so full of complacently that they didn’t take their opponent seriously. But that doesn’t mean I like the Yugos now. Don’t worry...i still hate DIVAC with all my heart!!!
So what else is new? It’s Friday … the beginning of another weekend, hopefully I’m gonna have fun while still be able to spend time to study. I went to borders yesterday and tried to do the practice questions from the GMAT book and all I did was just staring at it and trying to figure a way on how in the world I could still go to school without having to take the test..which was of course..useless cause there’s no other way and that means I just have to stop crying about it. I just don’t want to blow $200 to pay for the test you know, especially since I know I have a big chance of failing it. Arggh I think I really need a new set of brain. I did some of the verbal questions yesterday, but I skipped the reading part since it’s a long boring articles, hehe..and I haven’t tried the quantitative part, arggh why do I have to deal with math again??..I thought I’m done with it since Math 140 *calculus* that I took 3 years ago. I guess no matter how much you hate math and how far you have run away to avoid it, you’d never be able to really get away from it heh?
I just don’t understand why they feel the need for the students to pass the GMAT first before going to graduate school. I mean, I might get a low score on it but that doesn’t mean that I have a learning disabilities, and that doesn’t mean that I won’t be able to keep up with the materials that will be given in the class and that doesn’t mean that I can’t score an A in the class…na’ah, that is not how it works!!!. I strongly don’t believe the saying that if somebody is good at math that means he/she has the strong foundation to succeed in other subjects. That’s bullshit man. That’s also very wrong if they only measure the analytical skill of a person based on how good he/she is in solving math problems. I mean, I know I’m no good when it comes to solving math problems but I believe I have quite a strong analytical skill when it comes to analyzing cases which is the daily activity in the MBA’s classes. And why do we have to pass the GMAT which consist of quantitative part where there’s not even one math class we have to take in the MBA’s curriculum anyway?? So what does it have to do with math? I mean, what’s the calculators for then?…argghh..
As soon as I posted my previous post *the one when I was whining about going to work on Thursday night* my manager called and said that they were gonna be OK without me so I didn’t have to go to work that night. Aha, talk about coincidence.
All in all, I like this year’s VMA. I think it’s better than last year’s. I was laughing my lungs out when Jimmy Fallon was doing the parody thingy…that was hilarious. Anyway, after watching the VMA I wonder if this is the end of boy bands or teenybopper kinda song?? I mean Nsync didn’t get any awards and that’s weird considering they were always the one who brought the most moon man. And did we see backstreet boys?? No!! They didn’t even get nominated. Britney Spears also got nothing, yea believe it or not she never won a single MTV award. Christina Aquillera didn’t get nominated at all and where were Mandy Moore and Destiny’s child?? That’s interesting...
Anyway, I don’t think the best dance should be given to Pink cause her dancing moves is nothing compare to Britney or Shakira. J-Lo looks pretty as always and I particularly like her shoes but don’t you think we’ve heard enough about ‘the girls from the Bronx’ statement? I know she’s trying to represent but I’m just getting tired of it. Hmm…what else? It was a touching moment when the TLC members went on stage..and I also like the idea of bringing Rudy Guliany..that’s pretty neat and Sheryl Crowe performance was awesome. But I think Justin Timberlake should stop trying to be the next Michael Jackson!!. By the way, what’s wrong with Eminem? He won the most awards but he didn’t seem pleasant or genuinely happy about it, I mean..a little smile wouldn’t hurt right?..He really needs to take anger management class or something. The last performance was a surprise…it’s Guns fucking Roses!!!!
Hehe..basi ah ngomongin VMA, it’s so last week..but I don’t know what to write..oh..i could write about my weekend yang sangat ENTERTAINING sekali itu..but that’s gonna take forever…so probably later!!