
August 20, 2002

it's my second day at school, unlike most other schools that started yesterday, mine starts next week so they use this week as orientation week. Males sih sebenernya ngikutin orientation but it sure will be useful for me, especially since i'm not familiar with the buildings and all that, i know it's not very big but it easy to get lost in here, gedung2nya ngebingungin gitu.

Anyway, this orientation is for international students only and there are not that many of us. So yesterday we were placed in a classroom for getting-to-know each other kind of activity lah, jadi nih tiap student harus introduce him/herself and tell everybody where he/she from. And there was this thailand girl who was helping with the orientation and she was asked to write everybody's name and country on the board. So she asked the students to spell their name for her, I know that's understandable because it's hard to pronounce some names from different countries already, let alone knows how to spell it. But then I got very pissed cause she was asking the students to spell the country for her!!! Jadi pertama ada yang dari Taiwan and she was like.."Ok, how do you spell Taiwan?"..*rolls eyes*, trus abis itu ada yang dari Korea, and then she asked him how to spell Korea..*wtf*!!! Trus juga ada yang dari Iran, Japan, France, Nigeria, Venezuela and she still asked them how to spell those..ohhh for god sake, grab a world map and learn how to spell, will you? Masa sih segitu nggak taunya? It's not like she was asked to write Kyrgyzstan or something!!. Is she that ignorant or just plain stupid????

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