Break time

August 18, 2002

i'm on my one-hour break right feels good to finally land my cute butt on the couch setelah berjam jam lamanya berdiri! And I don't feel like going back to the store cause i'm telling you... it's a mad house inside, all the clothes are misplaced, yang paling parah tuh baju2 that's folded on the table, asli deh udah kaya rak baju baju yang discount di pojok busana, udah awut awutan semuanya..when i first got there i was like..omg what happened to my store??'s back to school weekend sih jadi yah of course everybody want to have new outfits for the new semester.

There was this little boy yang nggak bisa diem banget deh tadi, lari lari kesana kemari dan akhirnya dia nyenggol manequinnya sampe pada patah2 berantakan....oh my goodness..that thing cost almost $2000!!..tsk tsk tsk!. Trus tadi juga tadi ada ibu2 yang keilangan cincinnya yang katanya ada diamondnya 8 biji!!..jadi lah seluruh employee di buat kelimpungan running around the store nyariin cincinnya..and of course nggak ketemu lah. Akhirnya tu ibu pulang dengan pasrahnya...mukanya udah kaya mo nangis gitu tapi tau nggak siih... later on she called and said that she found the ring at home!!! Ternyata emang dianya aja yang lupa make tu cincin pas mo keluar. Yeeeeee...nyebelin yaaaaaaaa!!!..*misuh misuh*

Oh iyaa, Happy 57th Indonesiaku..=)

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