Arrggh, GATOT dengan suksesnya deh rencana belajar di borders siang ini…padahal udah niat banget tuuh *y’right..kalo emang niat biar ada badai menerjang juga kesampean aja*. Gara garanya, I stopped by at the mall first on the way to borders cause I needed to exchange something that I bought the other day. I thought it’d only take me 10 minutes…and boy was I wrong…emang sih the exchange was done in 10 minutes but I just couldn’t lead my way back to the parking lot right away….hehe, gawat deh kaya ada magnetnya gitu. So there I was, spending about 2 hours at the mall..jadinya udah too late buat ke borders cause I have to go to work
By the way, of all the days in the world..why my manager scheduled me to work tonight??..why not this morning or this afternoon or all day tomorrow…as long as it’s not tonight cause tonight is the entertainment night, there’s MTV music award, but I’m not too worry about this since I’m sure they will play it again and again tomorrow, if not right away. But it’s the world championship (basketball) that I wanted to watch..if I’m not mistaken tonight is USA vs. Algeria
Weekend is on its way and it’s gonna be along weekend since Monday is labor day. Lagi banyak yang di pinginin nih……
1.Pingin ke Chicago……liat liat IKEA
2.Pingin ke Indianapolis to watch the basketball game, but I’m sure it’s sold out, everybody wants to watch Yao Ming, eh?
3.Pingin ke six flags…:P
4.Pingin nonton spirit liquid tour this Sunday featuring Jay-Z, Hoobastank, 311 and N*E*R*D
So I don’t know deh tuh jadinya yang mana, either one is fine with long as I don’t spend my weekend with another trip to the mall and eat funnel cake and dippin dots aja..:P
Tadinya mau ke galleria mall untuk ngambil Meteor Garden VCD, penasaran....pingin tau kaya apa sih film yang sampe segitu di hebohin orang orang se-indonesia...*jangan2 ntar gue malah ikut2 an lagi..hihi*. Tapi ternyata si susi lupa bawa vcdnya, ya suuu. Last night was my first class as a grad student..*woohooo*..I'm only taking one class this term (1 term = 8 weeks)..i'm taking it slow cause i still have to take the GMAT some times next month. I am only allowed to take the first term without the GMAT so if i don't have it by the end of this term..i’m sure they are gonna kick me out without delay. Anyway, my class was in Edward Jones classroom, tee hee...I was excited when I found out that they coded the classroom not by the room numbers, but by the name of the companies who has given donations to build it. Jadi kelas kelasnya ada Boeing classroom, Citi Corp. classroom, Kellwood Classroom, A.G Edwards classroom, TWA classroom, etc. Too bad they don't have AcNielsen classroom like Duke University...cause it's one of the companies that I’m dying to work for. Kalo librarynya namanya Monsanto library, gedung School of Businessnya..namanya Anheuser-Busch Center trus ada McDonnell Douglas Board room, etc..lucu juga ya.
But sadly that's the only thing that excited me last night cause I wasn't too excited when I found out that I was the minority in the class...not because i was the only international student but because I was the only fresh graduate there!!. The rest of them were like middle level managers who have had a few years of managerial experiences in Fortune 500 companies...the youngest was 28 years old..sedangkan gue masih jauh dari segitu..!! Ada yang kerja di Lucent technology, Ericsson, MasterCard, Boeing, Edward Jones, etc...and since this class is about analyzing issues of moral and ethical principles in work environment..jadi ya the more experienced the student, the more he/she can participates in the discussions..huhu..i don't know if i'm gonna be able to fit in..trus bingungnya pas ada project nanti..i wonder if anyone's want to team up with me since i am so inexperienced!!!. Sebenernya sih kelasnya nggak susah susah banget, nggak ada testnya..cause it's gonna be hard to grade since there's no right or wrong answer in here's all based on your moral standards, paling ada quiz aja in each session and there are two presentations, an individual presentation and a group presentation. Eh tapi susah juga sih...soalnya if your overall grade is 92% it still considered a B!!!...damn..what's up with that??..biasanya dimana mana 90% juga udah A!! Oh well..
Jadi Old Navy itu kan ada credit cardnya yah.., and as an employee there..we have to ask as many customers as we possibly can to apply for the credit card cause then they would shop more if they have our credit card ..meaning more profits to the company. Well…I personally don't like the idea of asking people to apply for the credit cards for a few reasons. First of all..I don't like credit cards, true I have 2 in my wallet but now I’m in the process of paying off all my debts, so no more transaction with credit cards for me, if I don't have money in my bank account then I won't buy’s as simple as that. For me, the decision to open up a new credit card is a HUGE decision, I have to think about it over and over again before I finally decide to apply. So if there were a sales associate asked me to open an account, I would say HELL NO without any doubt. I know Americans live with their credit cards *one of my friends own 24 credit cards!!* And I know that most of them have a pretty fucked up credit history, so I don't feel good about asking them to apply yet another credit card which will only hurt them in the long run. And since most of them don't have decent credit history.. chances are..they will get rejected and that's the very main reason why I don't like that program is because if they get rejected it would screwed their credit history even more cause it's gonna add to their records and it can never be erased and they’d blame me for that!!!. Makanya I have never asked my customer to fill out the application since the first day I worked there
Last Thursday, I was looking at the print outs in the backroom and I noticed that most employees have opened at least a few accounts and some actually got more than 30 so far..and sadly I’m one of the few that haven’t gotten even a single one. And unfortunately, our performance at work is also evaluated by how many applications we can get. I'm usually pretty competitive but since it's something that i'm unwilling to do, jadi yah the hell with that. But then I’m also afraid that they’re gonna put me on the shit list..*hihi* Yaah abis gimana doong…I don’t want to do it simply just to please my manager or just to make me look good cause I’d feel bad inside anyway. Tapi akhirnya setelah mikir mikir I decided to give it a shot and see what happens…..
So that's what I did, I got 7 applications on that day *see, I could be a good sales person if I wanted to*. I asked the first customer I saw to open a credit card and I explained it to her all of the advantages of having one and she was interested and I processed her application and it went thru...her credit limit was $600. And then, there was another customer and her application went thru as well and then..I offered the credit card to this middle aged man who was taking his little daughter shopping. I could tell that he was interested after I was done explaining the advantages but then he said that he has a pretty messed up credit history cause he got divorced a while ago and he hasn't gotten a chance to take care of his mortgage, his car loans and everything. *kasian yaa?* . Then I said that it's not that hard to get a credit card here since the application is pretty simple and I haven't heard anyone got rejected *which is true*.. ANd then he looked even more interested and asked me what he needed to get one. I said I just need him to fill out the application form and show me his driver license and a major credit card. So he rummaged through his wallet and his pocket to find his driver license but then he realized that he left it in the car. He said he’d be back dan keluar lah dia jauh jauh panas terik ke parkiran buat ngambil driver license nya dan lari terburu2 so I can process it right away and guess what happened?? Yupe, he got rejected. You should see his disappointed look and I felt awful right then and there…! See, this is exactly what I don’t want to happen, I hate to let people down and I refuse to be the one who ruins their day…*sigh* !! I’m sure he doesn’t need another reminder of how debt full he is..=( .When I told my manager about it, he only said..”ah that’s okay, you tried to help him save some money anyway*..huh dasar yaa, nggak berperasaan..yang di pikirin cuma profit profit profit!!!
Anyway, speaking about credit card reminds me of what my dad said about the way Americans live their life. Dia bilang..orang Amerika tuh hidupnya di abisin waktu mereka masih muda. They can get anything they want in their youth by using credit cards and other easy access that defines United States. Contohnya ya kalo mau beli mobil gampang..karena mereka bisa loan mobil yang nanti tiap bulannya tinggal di bayar pake credit card aja. Lagian banyak dealer2 yang ngasih2 promosi gitu *Zero Down, Zero Interest and Zero Payment for the first year*. Trus kan kebanyakan once they graduated from high school, mereka langsung tinggal sendiri, di apt sendiri. Trus juga mo ngelakuin apa apa tuh gampang banget..*again, thanks to the credit cards*, mo vacation kemana aja bisa, mo get a boob job bisa, mau shopping yang mahal mahal juga bisa. Jadi mereka semuanya di abisin waktu masih muda deh, nanti tuanya baru stress mikirin utang utang dimana mana. Beda banget kan sama orang Indonesia yang hidupnya penuh process, and that’s the beauty of it. Americans take the easy way by taking elevator to the top while we take the stairs step by step. Kalo kita kan semua ada process nya, sekolah/kuliah ya naek bis, kalo pun udah kerja juga blom seberapa gajinya, enggak bisa langsung nyicil mobil, bener bener yang harus nabung sedikit sedikit until we get enough money buat nyicil mobil yang murah meriah, trus kalo mo tinggal sendiri pun harus ngontrak di rumah yang RSS kinda place..beli beli home furniture nya juga di cicil, bulan ini bisa untuk beli TV, bulan depannya baru beli meja makan, etc. Everything has to be earned back home,..but that’s okay cause when we finally get what we want, we would be really appreciate it and grateful about it cause we’ve learned how hard it is for us to reach that stage with our own sweat. Dan yang paling penting lagi…we would be happier when we get older cause we don’t owe anything dan bisa menikmati hidup and when we looked back, we could actually see kalo kehidupan kita itu lama lama meningkat seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Sooo….the moral from this entry ini adalah *cie cie cieee..hihi*…if you don’t have anything you want by now..just hang in there, you’ll eventually get in when the right time comes along.
Go to your nearest international grocery store today and indulge yourself in this undeniably tasty Japanese Ice cream called mochi ice cream...!! I just found it last week..*telat yah* and it'll definitely stock up my fridge for the longest...
Anyone knows what Dippin Dots is? I've always seen their outlets everytime i went to the malls but i didn't realized that it's actually Ice Cream until a few days ago...hehehe, kirain makanan2 nggak jelas gitu soalnya bentuknya bulet2 kecil..kaya kacang ijo gitu tapi lebih kecil lagi dan warna warni. Ternyata that's the ice cream of the future makanya bentuknya unik gitu...*norak*.....
it's my second day at school, unlike most other schools that started yesterday, mine starts next week so they use this week as orientation week. Males sih sebenernya ngikutin orientation but it sure will be useful for me, especially since i'm not familiar with the buildings and all that, i know it's not very big but it easy to get lost in here, gedung2nya ngebingungin gitu.
Anyway, this orientation is for international students only and there are not that many of us. So yesterday we were placed in a classroom for getting-to-know each other kind of activity lah, jadi nih tiap student harus introduce him/herself and tell everybody where he/she from. And there was this thailand girl who was helping with the orientation and she was asked to write everybody's name and country on the board. So she asked the students to spell their name for her, I know that's understandable because it's hard to pronounce some names from different countries already, let alone knows how to spell it. But then I got very pissed cause she was asking the students to spell the country for her!!! Jadi pertama ada yang dari Taiwan and she was like.."Ok, how do you spell Taiwan?"..*rolls eyes*, trus abis itu ada yang dari Korea, and then she asked him how to spell Korea..*wtf*!!! Trus juga ada yang dari Iran, Japan, France, Nigeria, Venezuela and she still asked them how to spell those..ohhh for god sake, grab a world map and learn how to spell, will you? Masa sih segitu nggak taunya? It's not like she was asked to write Kyrgyzstan or something!!. Is she that ignorant or just plain stupid????
i'm on my one-hour break right feels good to finally land my cute butt on the couch setelah berjam jam lamanya berdiri! And I don't feel like going back to the store cause i'm telling you... it's a mad house inside, all the clothes are misplaced, yang paling parah tuh baju2 that's folded on the table, asli deh udah kaya rak baju baju yang discount di pojok busana, udah awut awutan semuanya..when i first got there i was like..omg what happened to my store??'s back to school weekend sih jadi yah of course everybody want to have new outfits for the new semester.
There was this little boy yang nggak bisa diem banget deh tadi, lari lari kesana kemari dan akhirnya dia nyenggol manequinnya sampe pada patah2 berantakan....oh my goodness..that thing cost almost $2000!!..tsk tsk tsk!. Trus tadi juga tadi ada ibu2 yang keilangan cincinnya yang katanya ada diamondnya 8 biji!!..jadi lah seluruh employee di buat kelimpungan running around the store nyariin cincinnya..and of course nggak ketemu lah. Akhirnya tu ibu pulang dengan pasrahnya...mukanya udah kaya mo nangis gitu tapi tau nggak siih... later on she called and said that she found the ring at home!!! Ternyata emang dianya aja yang lupa make tu cincin pas mo keluar. Yeeeeee...nyebelin yaaaaaaaa!!!..*misuh misuh*
Oh iyaa, Happy 57th Indonesiaku..=)
I saw the commercial of this thing called revostyler on TV a while ago and of course I was stunned with its miraculous work of transforming your hair dari yang super duper frizzy to straight, smooth and shiny hair. I was attempted to get one for me cause my hair and I don’t get along together so it seemed to be the perfect solution. But then again setelah di pikir pikir lagi, namanya juga iklan, paling nggak ngaruh juga like all other hair products I’ve tried before..*pasrah*. And then...I talked to cherie the other day, lagi ngomongin soal rambut and then she mentioned about this revostyler thing. Ternyata dia juga baru liat but unlike me yang pikir pikir lagi..dia langsung beli aja gitu and she likes it a lot!. and since it’s buy one get one free so she has an extra one that she doesn’t use and she gave it to me…*makasih yaaa cherie sayaang*!!! can tell that I was jumping for joy, can’t you?..*grin*. I finally got it the other day but I haven’t use it properly, I’m gonna use this magical brush after this and see if it’s able to transform my hair as if I just stepped out of a hair salon. Kalo nggak berhasil yah, emang rambut gue aja yang nggak beres. Btw, go to if you want to learn about this product.
So...have a FUN weekend y'all, i am usually excited when the weekends approach but not this time since i have to work all day tomorrow and might have to work tonight ..=(
make-up brand you've been most satisfied with? I have different brand preferences for different products, so it’s gonna be a long endless list!
describe your favorite vacation ever: it’s been a while since I’ve gone on vacation, but I think this upcoming winter break will be my favorite vacation ever..=)
dream vacation destination: Milano
place you have no desire to ever visit: Alaska
leno or letterman? Jay Leno
conan or kilborn? Conan
favorite mtv show (ha, remember when they actually played music videos?): MTV Cribs, True Life
tv show marathon you're likely to tune in for: Sex and the city
movie you're most looking forward to this summer: ?????
movie that looks like the worst thing ever: Planet of the Apes
book you're reading at the moment: The Alchemist
last magazine you read: Promo magazine
last item you splurged on: It’s nice to be able to splurge but this girl needs to pay rent!!
last thing you listened to in your car (or the last car you were in): Grindin by Clipse
sexiest musician: Enrique Iglesias
musical guilty pleasure: Britney Spears, Nsync
concerts you've seen this summer: Moby and Paul Oakenfold
did you ever go to sleep-away camp?how long? what was it like? When I was in high school. TA = Tafakur alam, kaya pesantren kilat gitu deh. TO=Trip Observation , a trip *3 or 4 nights* to this remote village.. It was fun..
age of the youngest person you'd ever consider dating: same age
age of the oldest person you'd ever consider dating: one or prolly 2 years older
if you could survive on only four food items, what would they be? Nasi goreng, spicy thigh from popeyes, my mom cooks *anything*, chicken satay
favorite type of salad: Fruit salad
favorite fruit: Mango
describe one of the best meals you've ever had: Any meals I eat whenever I starve to death would be my best meals
favorite fashion designer: The designer team at forever 21!
do you have a uniform for work? if so, what is it? if not, what is a typical work outfit? Red or blue tiny tee with old navy crew printed on the back
do you exercise? what is your workout routine? Almost every single day. 20 minutes on the cross trainer or treadmill, do hundreds of crunches/sit up after that, do some arm curls, incline/tricep press, etc2
pajamas you wore most recently: Shorts & tank top
last person you e-mailed: Sarah Nandor, this Associate Director of International recruitment at Maryville university
last person who e-mailed you: Jeanie from Natrabu
last person who called your cell phone: Ben
last person who made you laugh: Nduti
say goodbye in a foreign language: bubbye!
It’s another Monday, time does flies in high speed and that’s a good thing. Anyway, today is my day off..payah deh old navy, they messed up the schedule. We’re way overstaffed, there are about 95 employees in one freaking store. Makanya nggak heran kalo gue liat schedule nya orang orang..makin lama pasti makin dikit working hoursnya. In fact there are about a bunch of them that are unscheduled for this week, ada yang cuma kerja for 7 or 6 hours, crazy eh??.
Union planters bank called and asked me to come down for another interview this wednesday. So this is gonna be my third interview with them, and since I don’t have to work this Wednesday I said OK.
I was planning to go to the gym this morning, tapi males gitu..laper, so I decided to eat first and go to the gym after that..ehh abis makan kok malah tambah males?..*bingung*. Maybe I’ll go tonight. Anyway, here’s a rundown of how my weekend went...
Friday: Biasa lah, weekend di awali dengan makan. Tapi seperti biasa juga kebingungan mo makan dimana.
“laper nggak.? Makan yuk?”
” makan dimana?"
”dimana yaa… enaknya dimana kira2?”.
”tau deh gue sih ngikut aja..”
”apa dong yaa enaknya?”
yah kaya gitu gitu aja terus dan padahal sih end up nya juga makan disitu lagi di situ lagi. Got home around 10.30, langsung did the make up and got my hair professionally done by Dina, huehe and started the photo session right after. Foto buat apa ayoo?
Sabtu: Went to the mall in the afternoon. I was supposed to work to perform closing from 9 to 11 and I was scheduled on call from 5. They usually don’t take on calls but they suddenly asked me to come down at 5..riiiiiggghtt, just when I hoped they didn’t take my on calls. Jadi dengan sangat terpaksa I went to work from 5 to 11.
Minggu: Went back to the mall, went to galleria as a few items from mac and that’s about it! So that’s how my weekend went, nothing special. How about you??
And everything you've given me I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life
There isn't anything or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You will always be the woman in my life for all times
a song for mama - Boyz II Men
Did anyone see the so called lost season of real world in mtv that took place in vancouver?? it sucked big makes blair witch project looks like a masterpiece. Honestly..i'd rather get a root canal than watching that!
The cable guy came yesterday to drop the new box and picked up the old one that was damaged by the lightning, so now i'm able to watch tv again..*yay*. The computer and modem connection is fixed, so that's a good news. The phone line is working good, but the phone itself is broken, can't use it anymore..*sigh*, that's a lot of money right there. Now i'm thinkin of what to do with the broken vcd player. I think i might go back to the store, get a new one with the same brand and everything..then return it the next day after i switch it with my broken one..hihi. Sounds ghetonese??...whatever man... :þ
Just got back from work, it was a busy day at the store, just like usual. When I left at 3, the transaction has reached $38 thousands, which is good considering we still have another 6.5 hours to go. The amount might be doubled when the store closed tonight. I had popeyes chicken for lunch today, *If I were to choose one meal for the rest of my life, I’ll go with their spicy chicken…nyam2*. Anyway, I ordered one thigh but then they gave an extra one for me since I had to wait for a few minutes, how nice.
There was a lightning hit this area last night , I felt like it was right at the top of my roof and guess what happened after that???…it messes up everything. The TV went weird, it has this annoying purple glow on the screen, especially when I just turned it on. The DVD is dead was on when the lightning stroke in so for some reason it couldn’t turned back on. The Digital Cable is fucked up too, it won’t turn on somehow. The home phone line is also in damage, can't make outgoing calls, it rings when there's incoming call tapi pas diangkat nggak ada suaranya. Arrggh, it is so chaotic. Sampe cable modemnya pun ikut ikutan error, it runs well actually, computernya juga fine fine aja tapi nggak tau kenapa it can’t be connected to the internet. Thank god I still have my old presario and it works when nduti tried to hook it up. I’m using it right now, sitting on the floor cause I don’t have a computer desk for this… so uncomfortable. Plus the computer is pretty dusty, it had been stranded in the storage for a while, I think I’m gonna clean it up real quick.
Watched this movie last weekend. Can’t really comment if it’s a good movie or not cause i've read the scenario's book before i actually watch the movie (how smart!), jadinya ya I know how it rolls, including the conversation, the ending dan semua adegan adegannya. Jadi nggak seru banget kan nontonnya cause I already knew what was gonna happen next. No emotion involved, no curiousity, perasaan khawatir, etc2, datar aja gitu nontonnya. Tapi yah all in all, i think it's quite a good movie, asal jangan di bandingin sama Hollywood movie aja, karena hollywood udah nyolong start duluan jadi sampe kapan pun kita bakalan always behind. Pokonya, gue seneng deh nonton film ini soalnya jadi bisa melepas kerinduan *ceile* buat liat suasana Jakarta. Lumejen kan bisa liat bajaj? Hihi, bisa liat Kopami *kayanya pas di mall itu di kelapa gading mall ya?* Trus juga actingnya lumayan2 natural lah, soalnya kan emang nggak jauh beda dari kehidupan sehari hari. Tapi kalo adegan yang marah2/berantemnya masih culun gitu siih.
Tapi nih masih ada beberapa detil yang kelewatan kayanya, contohnya waktu si Alia mo bunuh diri itu kok darahnya warnanya bukan merah darah gitu? Malah yang agak2 muda..*apa karena udah kecampur aer?*..trus juga waktu Rangga naek Taksi ke Airport kok plat nomer taksinya beda sih??. Trus menurut gue juga kayanya kurang di certain tentang keluarga nya si Alia itu, iya sih di kasih tau kalo dia dari keluarga yang nggak harmonis, tapi orang tua nya bener bener nggak di kasih liat sama sekali sih... cuma kedengeran suara piring pecah aja. Trus pas pagi pagi mo ke sekolah, titi kamal bilang "eh nanti siang jadi nggak nih nonton concertnya?"...padahal nonton concertnya itu beberapa hari sesudahnya gitu. Trus juga, kan ceritanya si Rangga dari keluarga yang sederhana gitu...tapi kok tasnya Oakley sih??....hehe, protes aje yee gue..kan bisa aja siapa tau itu di kasih sodaranya apa temennya.
Anyway, the thing that interested me the most from this movie is marketing conceptnya yang sukses berat sampe bikin orang rela ngantri berjam jam buat beli karcis di bioskop (sampe ada calonya segala man!). Soalnya Miles Production nggak idealis2 banget sih, jadi mereka bikin film yang emang untuk di komersilin dan ada pasarnya. Jadi mereka bikin juga bukan sembarang bikin aja, survey dulu ke beberapa SMU di Jakarta, try to find out what kind of movie that will gain people's interest. Trus juga film ini emang udah di persiapkan bener2, bikin scriptnya aja sampe setaun lebih trus juga untuk castnya di kasih waktu buat get to know each other better, buat latihan dan lain lainnya. Trus juga kan promosi-nya gede gedean, jumpa pers dimana mana, ada acara meet and greet, trus juga ada website-nya jadi orang bisa download2 screensaver lah, nonton trailernya, dengerin soundtracknya, baca2 cerita behind the scene, etc. Trus juga ada acara diskusi dari kampus ke kampus, nge gelar tanya jawab di forum forum dan masih banyak lagi. Trus strateginya buat nge gaet Melly Goeslaw untuk bikin soundtracknya juga lumayan ngedongkrak keuntungan buat AADC. Karena semua orang tau lagunya Melly Goeslaw emang enak2, *tapi menurut gue di beberapa scene soundtracknya banyak yang terlalu mendominasi scene-nya sendiri* . Trus mereka juga ngeluarin buku scenario-nya yang lumayan laku berat sama VCD nya yang ajaibnya nggak ada bajakannya lho. Ada sih tapi kualitasnya jelek banget sampe nggak ada yang beli gitu. Yah pokonya gitu deh, makanya buat para sineas..kalo filmnya mo sukses, promosinya jangan tanggung tanggung!!
Kemaren juga nonton Bintang Jatuh. Duuh, maap ya mas Rudi, tapi filmnya baseeeyyyy. Beneran deh, lightingnya jelek..gelap banget, trus juga suaranya nggak jelas, kebanyakan yang nggak kedengeran gitu. Trus juga transisi dari one scene to the next yang maksa gitu, dubbingnya jelek, suara sama gerak mulut nggak sama trus juga aktingnya jeprut semua (kecuali dian sastro yang natural banget). Paling nyebelin waktu temennya si dian sastro *Jajang C Noere* ngasih advice gitu ke dia. Duilee...itu ngomong apa pidato?...yah gitu deh pokonya gue sepanjang nonton film ini nggak abis2 nya complain.
Eh tau nggak..katanya AADC mo di bikin sequelnya lho??..judulnya AALNDC
Ada Apa Lagi Nih Dengan Cinta? hihihi..