i went to grocery store yesterday and i was looking for a chocolate milk in the dairy section, but there was nothing that looked yummeeh, cuma ada nesquik and hershey chocolate milk, and then i said to my self.."coba ada susu ultra coklat disini yaaaah...". And you know what??...i went to global food this afternoon, and to my surprise, i found the susu...Read More
i'm goin to a fine dinin' after this...finally.....*mind you, i've been eating popeyes chicken for 5 days in a row*..so i'd be really appreciate a fine meal for tonite. Anyway, sheila called and assigned me a job which starts on monday, well actually i was assigned for a job last monday and tuesday which was supposed to last for a month, but something...Read More
It was an emotional moment, full of tears of joy, lotsa proud looking moms and dads and family in the Madison square garden last night. So happy to see Caron Butler and Juan Dixon up there, shaking hands with David Stern..believe it or not… I was almost in tears..*huhu, emang kerjaannya terharu mlulu*. Don't know..i guess I just have so much respect for...Read More
Light on Against Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDSBuat yang di Jakarta...jangan lupa untuk nyalain lampu mobil/motor between 1.00-14.00, untuk nge-dukung kampanye hari antimadat sedunia.Light on guys... ...Read More
Anyone have any strange phobias??That is actually one of the topics that is discussed in mtv message board. I’m telling you..life is filled with so many interesting people. Coba aja kalo di perhatiin satu satu phobia-nya orang orang itu…bener2 beraneka ragam. Masa siih ada yang takut sama oven and microwave?..huehehe…he swears god that he never uses both things.Ada juga yang takut sama mushroom..and...Read More
My stomach is acting up, I don’t know why, is it because the satay I ate at ading’s place yesterday?..huehe, udah makan gratis masih protes aja..:P . Iyah kemaren ke rumah ading buat bbq, soalnya lagi rame disana..ada anak2 chicago juga yang pada dateng. Abis itu we went to Miss Saigon, the Vietnamese restaurant near his place..*makan teruuuss* and had a delicious Vietnamese...Read More
Too bad i didn't watch the whole game cause i was stuck somewhere downtown. I only watched the 4th quarter, I was kinda praying that the season would not ended in game 4, cause then I'll be left with no entertainment on TV no more, hmmpph but what can i say, i guess i just have to wait till November...and goodbye NBC..cause next...Read More
I was watching Fear Factor just now, but then the gross part came in, i could never stand it to see them forced to eat disgusting things. This time is worse, each of the contestant have to eat what is called a skeeball. The name sounds cute huh? But it is actually pig uterus....ugh imagine that. By the way ..it's pink by color,it's...Read More
woohooo..since when shaq knows how to free throw?? woohooo..since when shaq knows how to free throw?? ...Read More
It's sports weekend huh?. There's the NBA Finals, the French Open finals, the Stanley Cup, the final leg of the Triple Crown, plus interleaque ball and Tyson-Lewis. I'm sure it'll be a fun weekend for the guys. Ooh, and let's not forget there's the World Cup also. So for all the Ladies and all my single girlfriends back home, don't forget to hop...Read More
Mocha almond fudge by Breyers is soo goood....i just can't get enough of it.So.. the lakers won the game last night..it wasn't a surprise, was it? Anyway, before the game started, they had this show about Robert Horry, a glimpse idea about his life lah ceritanya. Ternyata, dia punya anak cewe, ashlyn namanya yang agak cacat mental dan nggak bisa ngomong sama sekali..anaknya...Read More
well what can i do...i have absolutely nothing to do these days. I just updated my resume cause i plan to send out my resume to some of the companies that i'm targetting.Yesterday, at Borders, i got a bargain book about the icons of the century. It is basically a brief biography of the people who have made a history during the twentieth...Read More
First of allHAPPY BIRTHDAY Ndutiku tayaaaaank..............=)You're the best thing that ever happened to.. June....huehehe....Pheew...Now that I have all the time to blog around, I don’t blog at all, that’s weird considering I was always wanted to blog but never had enough time to write. Anyway..i’m so happy that the Lakers won the West Division title last night *woohooo*… they won it in overtime...Read More