Season's Over
March 26, 2002Last weekend was supposed to be an eventful weekend that will give a new mark on the school history. But too bad, I guess Uconn was just too much to handle and we couldn't make that big play we've been doing all games. Well, it was still a delightfull year nevertheless and what the team have accomplished this season will hold up well in posterity, thanks for a heck of a great season guys..=)
Anyway, it's one of those gloomy afternoon here in town, all i really wanted is to curl up under my blanket but off course that is unattainable with the big exam coming up tomorrow. This week is going to be hectic that i'm sure i won't even have time to whine and complain about it. Besides, I haven't complained about school that much this semester anyway, most likely cause i'm looking forward to IT ON!!....*pheww* can't believe i'll be out of here and a half month to go!!.